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Error including libraries: Can't locate

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Error including libraries: Can't locate

Having changed my paths 1000x to anything I could think of, I'm finally stucked with below output (which is the 'best' I have been able to realize besides my error500 I usually get).

Error including libraries: Can't locate /home/pages/eurabel/mopedfahrer/cgi-bin/links2/admin/links.cfg in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/i586-linux/5.00404 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/i586-linux /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl .) at admin.cgi line 27.

Make sure they exist, permissions are set properly, and paths are set correctly.

BTW: searching for the same problem in the forum's database made me already change the path to linkgs.cfg to the full path.

Any ideas of what I could do?
Thanks a lot,

PS: One more question, 'cause my ISP never answered that:
What is the more likely path:

[This message has been edited by Denis (edited November 10, 1999).]
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Re: Error including libraries: Can't locate In reply to
There are paths incorrect. Most likely because you changed to the full path.

999 out of 1000 times, that does not need to be done.

Since you're asking about paths too, my guess is that is exactly the problem. Paths are wrong, which is why it cannot find the file.

As for your question about paths, there is no way for us to know that. Your isp will need to give you that info. Or, if you have telnet access, change into the directory and type pwd.


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