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Adding Fields?

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Adding Fields?
Hey guys,
I read the posts on adding new fields but im still confused about it... Can you please tell me what and where i have to put in in order to enable a user submit a small thubm along with other info, and that it will show up on the links listing.

you can also contact me by ICQ: 18903943

thanx :)

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Re: Adding Fields? In reply to
What I would do is go to links.def and add the following to the bottom of the database definition, before );

Thumb => [14, 'alpha', 0, 150, 1, 'http://', '^http|news|mailto|ftp'']

Remember to add a comma to the end of field 13 like this:

ReceiveMail => [13, 'alpha', 10, 10, 1, 'Yes', 'No|Yes'],

Then find:

# Field Number of some important fields. The number is from %db_def above
# where the first field equals 0.

Add... $db_thumb = 14;

Users can then add a URL for their thumb, so all you have to do is add

<img src="$rec{'thumb'}">

to the A LINK sub in site_html.pl

From Paul Wilson.
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