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Wheres the security on MODIFICATIONS? Whats the isNEW for?

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Wheres the security on MODIFICATIONS? Whats the isNEW for?

2 things.

1) Wheres the security on the modification module? Any1 can submit the modifications for review. Who does not tell you that everything on the site has been changed so must make the change? Who does not tell you a site competitor submits false data?

I would not like to install the siteid/password emailer unless there's no other solution available. Please advice!

2) What's the isNEW field in the sites awaiting validation? Why is it pointing to NO? So the site appears as NEW, but then why this field?

Thank you in advance!

Alex Tutusaus
Atyc WebDesigns
Subject Author Views Date
Thread Wheres the security on MODIFICATIONS? Whats the isNEW for? webcamworld 1651 Jun 11, 1999, 2:37 AM
Post Re: Wheres the security on MODIFICATIONS? Whats the isNEW for?
Bobsie 1580 Jun 11, 1999, 8:25 AM