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What's this?????

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What's this?????
Ok- everything going ok- go to build pages - still getting error - permission denied- created a blank links.db.bak file and set to 666- after searching through form - and it keeps saying error. So I decided to improvise and create a blank "index.html" and put it in the pages folder and try to build again. Well, apart from the error, I can see a page there but this is what is says...

#!/usr/bin/perl require '/usr/local/httpdocs/wsdemo/ws.conf'; require '/usr/local/httpdocs/wsdemo/functions.pl'; require '/usr/local/httpdocs/wsdemo/ws-lib.pl'; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser carpout); use DBI; ############### MAIN PROGRAM ############################### ############################################################ my $script_url = url(); my $form = path_info(); $form =~ s!^/!!; if (!$form) { show_request_form(); } elsif ($form eq 'new') { my $name = param('name'); my $username = param('username'); my $domain = param('domain'); my $email = param('email'); my $problem = param('problem'); my $priority = param('priority'); check_url(); # Clean problem field $problem =~ s/\cM//g; $problem =~ s/\n/ /g; check_fields($name,$username,$domain,$email,$problem); my $date = get_date(); # Get date my $ticket = assign_ticket(); # Get ticket number write_database($ticket,$date,$name,$username,$domain,$email,$problem,$priority); confirm_email($ticket,$name,$email,$script_url); if ($notify) { notify_admin($ticket,$name,$username,$domain,$email,$problem,$priority); } print_details($ticket,$name,$username,$domain,$email,$problem,$priority); } elsif ($form eq 'view') { show_status_form() } elsif ($form eq 'show') { my $ticket = param('ticket'); my $username = param('username'); check_ticket($ticket,$username); } else { error_page("
Illegal calling of script."); } ############### FUNCTIONS AND SUBROUTINES ################## ############################################################ sub show_request_form { my $nr; open (NEW_REQUEST, "$new_request_tpl") || error_page("........

and goes on and on. The source code is a cgi script itself. This is supposed to be my "category" index? I even tried to set the permissions. I dunno.

Can anyone give advice? I have looked through the forum for related subjects, and I did what was suggested for permission denied.

Error Message : unable to open home page: /home/carrigan/public_html/pages/index.html. Reason: Permission denied
Script Location : /home/carrigan/public_html/cgi-bin/links/admin/nph-build.cgi
Perl Version : 5.00503

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Re: What's this????? In reply to
is your pages directory set to 777?
and If you made an index.html did you set the permissions for that? I think it should be ???? start at 644 and work up to 755 ... sorry not sure.

nph-build file is building the pages and it's getting caught maybe.

good luck

on the pages in between ...
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Re: What's this????? In reply to
YUP! I did that!! still looks like garbeldy-goop! (sob) I am still looking on the threads and I keep getting put in circles to the same answers.

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Re: What's this????? In reply to
Know what? I changed the index.html page to 777 and it worked! Never wouldve thought of that! Maybe it will be helpful to others who are having the same problem. Thanx for the suggestion!