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ValueClick Banners - how do you use them?

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ValueClick Banners - how do you use them?
Do you have to change the code to use the ValueClick banners on the results/category pages?

Please help!

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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
You should be able use the code as you regualarly would. I use the Teknosurf code for my website and have no problems at all.

If you are having problems, explain them in detail so some of us can help you.


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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
The problem with ValueClick is that EACH banner placed on your site must have a unique identifier.

From Value Click's site:

VERY IMPORTANT: The ValueClick Banner HTML below is only valid for one banner on your website. You must use a different identifier for each banner you display.
The identifier in the example below is "indexpage" -- you must replace each of the three instances of "indexpage" with the same unique identifier for each additional banner on your site(s). Thus if you had a banner on your second page, for example, you would change each of the three instances of "indexpage" to "secondpage" or another unique identifier.

The identifiers for each banner can be letters or numbers but may not contain spaces. It is only important that they be unique, so if you generate your pages dynamically you could use a sequential number generator, for example, to insert the identifiers in the three locations in the Banner HTML for each banner.

If you have more than one banner on a single page, you must use a different unique identifier for each banner. So you might have three instances of "indexpage1" for one banner's HTML, and three instances of "indexpage2" in the HTML for a second banner, or something similar. The requirement is simply that every banner on your site(s) must be identified uniquely from all others.


<!-- VC active -->
// ValueParameters
ValueHost = "h000001";
ValueID = "indexpage";
ValueLoaded = false;
ValueVersion = "0.9";
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="http://oz.valueclick.com/jsmaster"></SCRIPT>
if (ValueLoaded) ValueShowAd();
<A HREF="http://kansas.valueclick.com/redirect?host=h000001&b=indexpage&v=0" TARGET="_top"><IMG BORDER="0" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60" ALT="Click here to visit our sponsor" SRC="http://kansas.valueclick.com/cycle?host=h000001&b=indexpage&noscript=1"></A>
<!-- vc active -->
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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
I don't handle the advertising end of our site, but I do know that we use ValueClick, and that it is running through the ad rotation script BannerMaster. We have about 5 "accounts" for ValueClick, and they work fine. I assume that each one was given a unique identifier when the "account" was set up.

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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
I am very interested in knoing how to implement teknosurf into links!

I have tried unsuccessfully for days and any help would be appreciated.

Thank You

Spinal Cord Injury Site
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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
FWIW -- ValueClick has been one of the most reputable and reliable pay-per-click services we've used in over 3 years of banner advertising.

I have a number of solutions for using their banner code on our pages.

The new format is not much more of a problem, and is even more flexible than the older one.

I have managed to use rotating banners on all pages -- both static and dynamic using a combination of the Link ID, Category ID, Time, and random number generator.

If you are still looking for a specific solution, I can probably offer up a way to do it.

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Re: ValueClick Banners - how do you use them? In reply to
pugdog, please could you paste in an example of your Valueclick code which incorporates a random number generator, I'm sure this would be useful for other people to.