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Searching Tips

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Searching Tips

I'd like to put a search tips page together, but I'm not to sure what the options are. So far I've tried these types of searches, however they don't seem to apply to Links:

1. A (-) sign to exlude a keyword.
2. A (+) sign to require a keyword.
3. (" ") quotes for multi-word phrases.
4. (*) asterik's for wildcards.

I guess my question is, are there any specific options or criteria available that all the users to focus in on their search? Not a big deal, just kind of curious to know how Links actually searches?

Thanks for any input!
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Re: Searching Tips In reply to
Links 2.0 has and/or boolean strings for distinguishing a phrase or keywords better. It uses keyword type and phrase type word searching. If i was going to implement it, I'd just go through Macromedia Dreamweaver and put hidden fields, <input type=hidden name=bool value="and"> Or something like that so that all searches are advanced. I'd use the or boolean for multiple keywords though.
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Re: Searching Tips In reply to
Oh, by the way I do realize there is an additional search box/form with options...I was just wonder if these options could be integrated and used for a single box search form.

Just thought I would explain myself a little better! :-)