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Detailed Building

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Detailed Building
When doing a Staggered or Staggerd (Auto) Build, I get the following:
Detailed Building is not turned on -- Skipping!

I'd love to know what I am missing here, as I am just installing links 2 and am discovering it's capabilities.
I've checked through the FAQ's and discussion boards thouroughly but can't find a thing!
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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Hi BruceS!

You are just discovering its capabilities. Look in the link.cfg for Detailed Pages. You are given the option to turn it on or off.

New Zealand Christian Internet Directory

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Great, so I turned it on...... Created Detail Pages....

Now what? How does the user access these pages, or is there another purpose? It seems like the only additional information is the submitters name, and email!

Not to get too far ahead of myself, but... let's say the links page included a link to the detail page in place of or in addition to the description.

Perhaps an enhanced website listing, or resume, or ???

For example if the submitter's had the ability to upload an image and additional company information. We might send them to a shopping cart to purchase an enhanced listing which redirected them to the more detailed submission form which might include their company logo.

Then those listings which had the "more detail" link could se the enhanced listing!

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Right...The detailed pages show more information about links. (However, I do not use the traditional detailed pages...I use detail.cgi written by Bmxer that prints out the detailed pages dynamically without building static pages.)

Anyway, to link to the detailed pages, all you have to do is add the following codes in your link.html template file:

<a href="<%build_detail_url%>/<%ID%>.shtml">Detailed View</a>

You will also have to make sure that you define the following tag in the %global variables section of the site_html_templates.pl:

build_detail_url => $build_detail_url,

Then re-build your index.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Since you have been so responsive, I will indulge to reply and inquire about two other issues that have troubled me.

First as to above...... Ok, I will consider this option, although for the format I am developing, I don't see any great advantage, unless, I find a way to remove the description from the links lists and replace them with the detail link you described above. Or perhaps add a phone and address field in the submission form. (dangerous?)

I like the idea of saving space with the "detail.cgi written by Bmxer" you use. Is it available thru the Gossamer resources?

Another question that has been bothering me!
I added all my links by a tedious process of converting a flatfile database. It is now working fine. But when adding or editing links theu the admin, I see two fields at the bottom for "header" and "footer". What are these.

I am using <%site_header%> and <%site_footer%> calls on my template files for ads and navigation etc. but do not see the relevance of these fields in the link add/edit form!

And (thirdly), I successfully integrated the three "New" Graphics feature )added Aug. 16, 1999) but have so far not been able to integrate the "COOL" Graphic. there seems to be some discrepancies (or differences of opinion) on how this is done in the various docs. Can you point me to the proper explaination (or provide it here?


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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
1) The detail.cgi (detail.txt) is actually written by Widgetz...Sorry Widgetz. It is located in a Thread in this Forum. Search it. It is not in the Resource Center. It is not a formal Mod in the sense that it contains no documentation.

2) The header and footer fields are in the Category NOT links menu. Look again. This allows you to insert customized header and footer files for categories, by inserting the file name and extension. Then you would upload the file in your header/footer directories defined in the links.cfg file.

3) For the "Cool" graphic, all you have to do in the link.html template file, is add the following codes:

<%if isPopular%>
<a href="<%build_cool_url%>"><img src="/path/to/coolimage.gif"></a>

I REALLY hope this helps.

Good luck.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Well I have now tried to get the cool image to appear in three ways.

In the link.html file I replaced
<img src="/path/to/coolimage.gif">

<img src="/http://mysite.com/images/cool.gif">

AND then
<img src="//u/web/myid/images/cool.gif">

AND then
<img src="/$ENV{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/images/cool.gif">

None worked:

When I had <%if isPopular%>
<sup class="pop">COOL</sup>
it showed up, as referenced in the CSS file (and still do) it worked (I changed pop to COOL in the links.html

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
POST SCRIPT, I did of course rebuild all three ways each time, and clear browser cache each time!!!

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Unkown Tag: build_cool_urlUnkown Tag: build_cool_url

Error showing up re: cool.gif.

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
RE: a couple notes above typo's

<img src="/http://mysite.com/images/cool.gif">
I meant //http

AND then
<img src="//u/web/myid/images/cool.gif">
I meant /u/web

And speaking of typo's
Unkown? or Unknown!!! Smile

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
You must do the following:

1) Make sure that you have the following codes at the top of your sub site_html_link routine before print &header; stuff in the site_html_templates.pl file:

($rec{'isPopular'} eq 'Yes') ? ($rec{'isPopular'} = 1) : (delete $rec{'isPopular'});

2) Make sure that you have defined the following tag in your %global array:

build_cool_url => $build_cool_url,

(Much like the build_detail_url codes I provided before.)


3) Create a variable in the site_html_templates.pl above the %global array:

$popimg = '<img src="http://www.mydomain.com/cool.gif" border="0">';

4) Create the following tag in your %global array:

popimg => $popimg

5) Then use the following codes in your link.html file:

<%if isPopular%>
<a href="<%build_cool_url%>">

I REALLY hope this helps.


Eliot Lee
Anthro TECH,L.L.C

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Getting frustrated!

In site_html_templates.pl file I now have:

# of your templates.

$new_1 = qq|<img src="http://industrycentral.net/images/new_1.gif" border="0" width=34 height=12 alt="1 Week" align="absmiddle">|; $new_3 = qq|<img src="http://industrycentral.net/images/new_3.gif" border="0" width=34 height=12 alt="2 Weeks" align="absmiddle">|; $new_7 = qq|<img src="http://industrycentral.net/images/new_7.gif" border="0" width=34 height=12 alt="3 Weeks" align="absmiddle">|;
$popimg = '<img src="http://industrycentral.net/images/cool.gif" border="0">';

%globals = (
date => &get_date,
time => &get_time,
db_cgi_url => $db_cgi_url,
build_root_url => $build_root_url,
site_title => $build_site_title,
css => $build_css_url,
build_cool_url => $build_cool_url,
popimg => $popimg,
site_header => &site_header,
site_footer => &site_footer,
banner => ''

sub site_header {

I did have nph-build errors until I added the comma after the $popimg (missing from your instruction)

Then in the:

sub site_html_link {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine is used to display what a link should look
# like.

my %rec = @_;
my $days_old = &days_old($rec{'Date'});
my $new_img = "";

# Set new and pop to either 1 or 0 for templates.
if ($days_old <= 2) { $new_img = $new_1; }
elsif ($days_old <= 7) { $new_img = $new_3; }
elsif ($days_old <= 14) { $new_img = $new_7; }
else { (delete $rec{'isNew'}); }

($rec{'isPopular'} eq 'Yes') ? ($rec{'isPopular'} = 1) : (delete $rec{'isPopular'});

return &load_template ('link.html', {
new_img => $new_img,
detailed_url => "$build_detail_url/$rec{'ID'}$build_extension",

In the link.html
<%if isNew%>

<%if isPopular%><a href="<%build_cool_url%>"><%popimg%></a><%endif%>

(I am successfully using 3 level new graphics)

I looked in the pages source sodes after building all three ways and clearing cache but no reference to "cool.gif" exists!

The only reference from your instructions that confuused me was "sub site_html_link routine [before print &header;] stuff"

The sub site_header and sub site_footer routines fall between the globals and the sub site_html_link routine. So I tried to mobe the sub site_html_link up, but this didn't work either.

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
Don't know what happened, but now all is working with "Cool" images!

Perhaps cache wasn't cleared as I had thhought or ???

But thanks for the help!

Now on to next issue which I will post as new thread!!!

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Re: Detailed Building In reply to
err? how did detail.cgi become bmxers? Smile

weird.. cause i don't think he even uses it..

eliot.. i simply am too lazy to create documentation.. i already tried twice to create a script to do it for me.. but even that is back logged..

also.. if anyone has anything you want me to read.. email me..

eliot.. are you by any chance cantonese, mandarin, or korean?
