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Spammers getting around captcha code?

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Spammers getting around captcha code?
Has anyone else had problems with spammers getting around the captcha code that is featured below? I am now getting submissions to randomly generated URLs. I went into my log, and here's when it happened:

c-69-137-218-215.hsd1.mi.comcast.net - - [15/May/2008:22:05:36 -0700] "GET /captcha/d680cf28a49cae6b51f5766f4e12ba18.png HTTP/1.0" 200 6521 "http://www.collegeteamlinks.com/cgi-bin/add.cgi" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Netscape/8.0.4"
c-69-137-218-215.hsd1.mi.comcast.net - - [15/May/2008:22:05:57 -0700] "POST /cgi-bin/add.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 13014 "http://www.collegeteamlinks.com/cgi-bin/add.cgi" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Netscape/8.0.4"
sd-11154.dedibox.fr - - [15/May/2008:22:23:36 -0700] "GET /cgi-bin/add.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 9880 "-" "-"
sd-11154.dedibox.fr - - [15/May/2008:22:23:44 -0700] "POST /cgi-bin/add.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 8648 "-" "-"
sd-11154.dedibox.fr - - [15/May/2008:22:23:53 -0700] "POST /cgi-bin/add.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 6011 "-" "-"
sd-11154.dedibox.fr - - [15/May/2008:22:24:00 -0700] "GET /cgi-bin/add.cgi HTTP/1.0" 200 9880 "-" "-"
sd-11154.dedibox.fr - - [15/May/2008:22:24:12 -0700] "GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.0" 403 - "-" "-"

It looks like they are using another computer to access the captcha image, and then this dedibox.fr machine to post the spam.

FWIW, I had this in my htaccess file:

# prevent perl user agent
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} libwww [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^lwp
RewriteRule ^.*$ [R,L]

SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "libwww-perl/" bad_bot
SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "lwp::simple/" bad_bot
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Deny from env=bad_bot

However, this didn't seem to stop it. I found this article though that may be what's going on in this particular case:

Subject Author Views Date
Thread Spammers getting around captcha code? dawgtoons 15531 May 18, 2008, 6:47 PM
Thread Re: [dawgtoons] Spammers getting around captcha code?
Andy 15469 May 18, 2008, 11:13 PM
Post Re: [Andy] Spammers getting around captcha code?
dawgtoons 15468 May 19, 2008, 8:05 AM