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Modification Generator

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Modification Generator
I had a thought and even though it sounds wacky, I thought I would post it anyway.

One of the tougher problems I have encountered with mods, is that after you add one or two mods, It is increasingly more difficult to add more, since you have edited, changed & deleted code. Since most mods tell you what to change based on the ORIGINAL code, I run into confusing because I have already changed all the original code with my first mods.

I am suggesting that some of you expert coders get together to create a Links Modification Generator. The idea would be that you could choose from a list of mods, maybe using checkboxes, all the mods you want to install at one time. Then, through the magic of this script, it would show where all the neccessary changes need to be made all at once. The user could make the changes all at once based on the original code.

Just a suggestion for you to bat around.

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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
Or, instead of making a redundant script, u(the user) could just put something like this around the mod
########MOD so and so starts here#########
########MOD ends here#####################

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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
Well.. yes i do that, but it does not account for when the one mod changes a subroutine and then another mod wants you to change that same subroutine... how do you blend the two mods to affect the same original subroutine?
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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
I'm not so sure about a modification generator, but what would work is a hack of the newspro mod installer.

I'm sure you already know, but what happens with newspro mods is thus:

you simply download a file, and then upload it into a mods directory. Newspro detects it, and then assimilates the mod into itself. No hassle no fuss.

But this probably would require a rewrite. however, if it was introduced, it would make the process of modding a whole lot easier. It would be "the mod of mods".

(Potential project??)

[This message has been edited by Charlie (edited May 07, 2000).]
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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
Hmmm... I'm not so sure about maintenance. Surely once the automatic modification installer was done, it would be done.

Admittedly, the mod of mods would take a massive investement in terms of time. However, the initial investment in time would be very soon recouped by the links community in terms of time saved installing mods. But unfortunately, the rules under which this community operates means that there would be very little incentive for the initial work to be done. The person couldn't charge, and I'd doubt they'd do it for kudos. The real nail in the coffin, however, would be the fact that it would be quicker for a person who might do the "mod of mods" simply to install the mods the own way. Put simply, the person would derive no benefit, although the community would.

Therefore , although this should happen, it probably won't.


[This message has been edited by Charlie (edited May 08, 2000).]
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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
Well, the first reason to make a mod is => that you need it Wink
The second over the first, is => that you can get extra visitors to your site, so you can get a bit more income through advertisements.

I was thinking about developing an installer script.
I have the ideas how to make it, but I haven't currently too much time for it. First I have to finish my site.

I think all mod creators should follow the same Links development instructions (rules).
Just imagine: it should like developing a plugin for Netscape. There are rules how to do it.

The main steps of Link Development API project:
1) So, our first thing on our to do list is, to create the development rules for Links.
Definition of general variables, use of local (my) variables, restricted (read-only) variables, naming rule of variables & subroutines, structure of a Links mod, etc...
These rules are important to make a mod "Plug & Play" Smile

2) When the rules are clear, somebody will take the job (I plan to make an installer script, later), and will develop a mod installer script for Links.

3) Also all mods currently available, should be modified (if possible by the authors) to meet all criteria (rules), to make the mods installable by the installer script.

4) All future mod developers should follow the rules of that Links Development API.
If many Links users will take part to work out these development rules, the installer script can be released within about 6 months.
(Alex, Eliot, Widgetz, your participation would be extremly useful in this project)

If Links will have an installer mod, it will become very popular, so all of us can enjoy advantage of its popularity by having more & more experts in the Links community.

All comments are welcome.

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by webmaster33 (edited May 08, 2000).]
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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
A great product called Webmin uses mods extensively, and has a great "rules" page for how to write them for webmin. You can see this at http://www.webmin.com/webmin/modules.html.
I'd take a similar approach, and make sure you have a solid specification for modules before opening the code up for public consumption.

Also, ideally, the modification to Links or DBMan would only have to be adding something like:

require "mod.config.pl";

But I think it will be far more complex than that. I'd almost consider starting over w/ the code, because the mod to install mods will be a REAL pain for people to install.

Any ideas on how to go about adding it simply?

#! (shebang)
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Re: Modification Generator In reply to
Interesting proposal...However, I personally would not want expend energy on all variables that would come up with different configurations.

There is a DBMAN Configurator script, which JPDeni has to keep working on because of new possible usages of DBMAN...this would be the same for LINKS...and I don't know anyone who has the time to maintain the "Generator" script.

Not to mention that LINKS is way more modular than DBMAN, and you would have to edit more files for Modifications, which is hectic to write and maintain over time.


Eliot Lee....
Former Handle: Eliot
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[This message has been edited by AnthroRules (edited May 08, 2000).]