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Graphics and Descriptions!

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Graphics and Descriptions!
I have incorporated many of the mod's and fixes that are found in this forum. Ihave also made a few changes myself. I do not no very much about perl yet, but I am plugging away at it. One of the things that I have done is added Logo Links, gives you the ability to charge for listings that have the company logo next to the description ans sorts and place that site to the top of the search without giving up on the cool or whats's new sorts. My site is new right now and I'am trying to get the index filled up, so if you would like to add your site and (temporarily, your banner) it would be appreciated.

Concepts 2000 Online

[This message has been edited by Joker (edited April 23, 1999).]
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Re: Graphics and Descriptions! In reply to
Here is what I came up with for the mod.
Well here goes, this is the first time I've tried to explain these things:

in the links.def :


# Definition of your database file.
%db_def = (
ID => [0, 'numer', 5, 8, 1, '', ''],
Title => [1, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', ''],
URL => [2, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, 'http://', '^http|news|mailto|ftp'],
Date => [3, 'date', 15, 15, 1, \&get_date, ''],
Category => [4, 'alpha', 0, 150, 1, '', ''],
AltCategories => [5, 'alpha', 0, 500, 0, '', ''],
Description => [6, 'alpha', '40x3', 500, 0, '', ''],
'Contact Name' => [7, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', ''],
'Contact Email' => [8, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', '.+@.+\..+'],
Hits => [9, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, '0', '\d+'],
isNew => [10, 'alpha', 0, 5, 0, 'No', ''],
isPopular => [11, 'alpha', 0, 5, 0, 'No', ''],
Rating => [12, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, 0, '^[\d\.]+$'],
Votes => [13, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, 0, '^\d+$'],
ReceiveMail => [14, 'alpha', 10, 10, 1, 'Yes', 'No|Yes']


and replace with:

# Definition of your database file.
%db_def = (
ID => [0, 'numer', 5, 8, 1, '', ''],
Title => [1, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', ''],
URL => [2, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, 'http://', '^http|news|mailto|ftp'],
Date => [3, 'date', 15, 15, 1, \&get_date, ''],
Category => [4, 'alpha', 0, 150, 1, '', ''],
AltCategories => [5, 'alpha', 0, 500, 0, '', ''],
Description => [6, 'alpha', '40x3', 500, 0, '', ''],
'Contact Name' => [7, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', ''],
'Contact Email' => [8, 'alpha', 40, 75, 1, '', '.+@.+\..+'],
Hits => [9, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, '0', '\d+'],
isNew => [10, 'alpha', 0, 5, 0, 'No', ''],
isPopular => [11, 'alpha', 0, 5, 0, 'No', ''],
Rating => [12, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, 0, '^[\d\.]+$'],
Votes => [13, 'numer', 10, 10, 1, 0, '^\d+$'],
ReceiveMail => [14, 'alpha', 10, 10, 1, 'Yes', 'No|Yes'],
Graphic => [15, 'alpha', 40, 75, 0, '', ''],
Priority => [16, 'alpha', 0, 5, 1, 'No', 'No|Yes']

Next find:

# where the first field equals 0.
$db_alt = 5;
$db_category = 4; $db_modified = 3; $db_url = 2;
$db_hits = 9; $db_isnew = 10; $db_ispop = 11;
$db_contact_name = 7; $db_contact_email = 8; $db_title = 1;
$db_votes = 13; $db_rating = 12; $db_mail = 14;

And replace with:

# where the first field equals 0.
$db_alt = 5; $db_priority = 16;
$db_category = 4; $db_modified = 3; $db_url = 2;
$db_hits = 9; $db_isnew = 10; $db_ispop = 11;
$db_contact_name = 7; $db_contact_email = 8; $db_title = 1;
$db_votes = 13; $db_rating = 12; $db_mail = 14;

Next find:

# System defaults. When adding new links or modifying links, these fields
# can not be overwritten by a user.
%add_system_fields = (
isNew => 'No',
isPopular => 'No',
Hits => '0',
Rating => 0,
Votes => 0,
ReceiveMail => 'Yes'


And replace with:

# System defaults. When adding new links or modifying links, these fields
# can not be overwritten by a user.
%add_system_fields = (
isNew => 'No',
isPopular => 'No',
Priority => 'No',
Hits => '0',
Rating => 0,
Votes => 0,
ReceiveMail => 'Yes'


Next find:

# Hash of column names to possible options. If you want to use a select form
# field, you can use &build_select_field in your HTML page. This routine will
# make a <SELECT> input tag using the following values:
%db_select_fields = (
isNew => 'Yes,No',
isPopular => 'Yes,No',
ReceiveMail => 'Yes,No'

And replace with:

# Hash of column names to possible options. If you want to use a select form
# field, you can use &build_select_field in your HTML page. This routine will
# make a <SELECT> input tag using the following values:
%db_select_fields = (
isNew => 'Yes,No',
isPopular => 'Yes,No',
ReceiveMail => 'Yes,No',
Priority => 'Yes,No'

Now we go to db.utils

And find:

sub build_sorthit {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This function sorts a list of links. It has been modified to sort
# new links first, then cool links, then the rest alphabetically. By modifying
# the sort function below, you can sort the links however you like (by date,
# or random, etc.).
my (@unsorted) = @_;
my ($num) = ($#unsorted+1) / ($#db_cols+1);
my (%sortby, %isnew, %iscool, $hit, $i, @sorted);

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$sortby{$i} = $unsorted[$db_sort_links + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))];
($unsorted[$db_isnew + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($isnew{$i} = 1);
($unsorted[$db_ispop + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($iscool{$i} = 1);
foreach $hit (sort {

($isnew{$b} and !$isnew{$a}) and return 1;
($isnew{$a} and !$isnew{$b}) and return -1;
($iscool{$b} and !$iscool{$a}) and return 1;
($iscool{$a} and !$iscool{$b}) and return -1;
($isnew{$a} and $isnew{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
($iscool{$a} and $iscool{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
} (keys %sortby)) {
$first = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $hit;
$last = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $#db_cols + $hit;
push (@sorted, @unsorted[$first .. $last]);
return @sorted;

And replace with:

sub build_sorthit {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This function sorts a list of links. It has been modified to sort
# new links first, then cool links, then the rest alphabetically. By modifying
# the sort function below, you can sort the links however you like (by date,
# or random, etc.).
my (@unsorted) = @_;
my ($num) = ($#unsorted+1) / ($#db_cols+1);
my (%sortby, %priority, %isnew, %iscool, $hit, $i, @sorted);

for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
$sortby{$i} = $unsorted[$db_sort_links + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))];
($unsorted[$db_priority + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($priority{$i} = 1);
($unsorted[$db_isnew + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($isnew{$i} = 1);
($unsorted[$db_ispop + ($i * ($#db_cols+1))] eq "Yes") and ($iscool{$i} = 1);
foreach $hit (sort {
($priority{$b} and !$priority{$a}) and return 1;
($priority{$a} and !$priority{$b}) and return -1;
($isnew{$b} and !$isnew{$a}) and return 1;
($isnew{$a} and !$isnew{$b}) and return -1;
($iscool{$b} and !$iscool{$a}) and return 1;
($iscool{$a} and !$iscool{$b}) and return -1;
($priority{$a} and $priority{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
($isnew{$a} and $isnew{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
($iscool{$a} and $iscool{$b}) and return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
return lc($sortby{$a}) cmp lc($sortby{$b});
} (keys %sortby)) {
$first = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $hit;
$last = ($hit * $#db_cols) + $#db_cols + $hit;
push (@sorted, @unsorted[$first .. $last]);
return @sorted;

And finally:
In link.html

Place this whereever you want the logo to appear:

<%if Graphic%>
<a href="<%db_cgi_url%>/jump.cgi?ID=<%ID%>" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.concepts2000.com/Images/Logolinks/<%Graphic%>" border="0"></a>

That should be it. Sorry about the lack indent. I would also appreciate everybody helping me with content and add your site to our site.


Concepts 2000 Online

Quote Reply
Re: [Joker] Graphics and Descriptions! In reply to
Could someone tell me whether this one works or not?

I tried this one so many times already and it just do not show up the logo. I even uninstall and install it for 3 times. Finally, I fell very depressed now, please someone help.....

What I want is actually something like Logo with Link and description for the Site of The Month.

Please help....

Thanks in advance...
Quote Reply
Re: [cloud^77] Graphics and Descriptions! In reply to
Okay, just forget it.....

It's working now. Just in case someone confuse also, follow this thread, it is more clearer:


or this one, the direct link to attachment:


And also do not put,

<%if Graphic%>

<a href="<%db_cgi_url%>/jump.cgi?ID=<%ID%>" target="_blank"><img src="<%Graphic%>" width="<%Gwidth%>" height="<%Gheight%>" alt="<%Title%>" border="0"></a>


in other template file, must put it in link.html

That's where my mistake is, I put that field in the home.html because I thought I just want it to show up in my home page not in the link page ...really stupid.... Crazy