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Alternate category path display?

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Alternate category path display?
I'd like to be able to display the "breadcrumb trail" (linked category path) with alternate wording.

For example, if I had a category called
I'd like to be able to display the linked title as
Authors: J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings

In other words, I want nice human friendly link names (complete with punctuation etc.) leading to server friendly directories/files (alphanumeric characters only).

Is there an existing mod for this?

Whilst on the subject of category links, is there a mod that creates relative paths for the links (../index.html to go back one directory) instead of absolute links (http://www.myserver.com/cat/subcat/ etc.)?
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Re: [wysardry] Alternate category path display? In reply to
Your first question is answered by: nonenglish mod. It's in the resource section. It has a few quirks, but overall is a great addition to Links (I use it!).

Second, I suppose you can change code somewhere... Do you want relative urls for subcats only? Since it's all generated by the script, and not typed in by you for each instance, what's wrong with the full path? Just curious...

aka PerlFlunkie
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Re: [PerlFlunkie] Alternate category path display? In reply to
I never took more than a passing glance at the nonenglish mod, because I didn't think it would apply to sites in English! I'll take a look soon as I've finished here.

Even the "breadcrumb trail" can contain several Kb of needless code in deep cats with long names.

There are 3 reasons for wanting relative URLs:-

1. It makes it easier to use a similar setup on my own machine as well as on the host.

2. Absolute links make for very bloated code. I'd much rather have "../../index.html" or "subcat/index.html" than "http://www.example.com/category/subcat/subsubcat/index.html"

3. It easier on the server and the client (the browser is already connected to "http://www.example.com" it doesn't need to make a fresh request)

Yes, I've realised that the "http://www.example.com/" can be replaced with just "/" but the link references are still very long - especially in deep categories with many subcategories listed on the index page.