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Reply-To and From

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Reply-To and From
It seems that when viewing a message in GM that the Reply-To address is displayed in the From field instead of the From address, if the Reply-To and From addresses are different.

When you look at the expanded header the From address is correct.

When I reply to the message the From address appears correctly in the "...was overheard saying" line. And the Reply-To address is correctly in the To field.

Has anyone else noticed this? Is it proper mail client behavior? It makes it difficult to tell who the message really came from without looking at the expanded header.

Would it be possible to get the Reply-To in the message view header in addition to the From? I checked out the available tags for that template and did not see that as an option.

Michael Coyne
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Re: [mcoyne] Reply-To and From In reply to
It seems that when viewing a message in GM that the Reply-To address is displayed in the From field instead of the From address, if the Reply-To and From addresses are different.
Yes, that's how it's been setup.

When I reply to the message the From address appears correctly in the "...was overheard saying" line. And the Reply-To address is correctly in the To field.
Gossamer Mail does something internally to make the tag that's being used in the template the reply-to address if it exists. When you press reply/forward that uses the entries straight from the mail source, so those will always be correct.

Is it proper mail client behavior?
Well that's how Scott programmed it to be Wink I'll talk to Alex about the behaviour, since most other mail clients use the From, for everything until the actual reply to the message (in which it uses the Reply-to).

Would it be possible to get the Reply-To in the message view header in addition to the From?
Doesn't look like you can... I'll ask Scott/Alex.

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Re: [mcoyne] Reply-To and From In reply to

We'll update this in 2.0.6 so that it displays from in the list, not reply to. It's not a trivial change unfortunately.

The new version should be out by wednesday.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] Reply-To and From In reply to
This didn't seem to get fixed in 2.0.6, unless I missed something. Is it still in the works? It's pretty confusing when reviewing mail that comes through a listserv. You can't tell who the sender is without looking at the full header.

Michael Coyne
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Re: [mcoyne] Reply-To and From In reply to

No, it didn't make it in unfortunately. We will have this fixed in the next release, but only for new mail. It's not an easy change unfortunately.


Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: [Alex] Reply-To and From - FIXED! In reply to
Hi Alex, I think I have fixed this in my copy of GM. In GMail/Messages.pm I made the following changes starting at line 1231
# Insert the message into the message table
my @reply = $head->get('Reply-To'); ### newline
# my @from = $head->get('Reply-To');
my @from = $head->get('from'); ### newline
@from = $head->get('Reply-To') unless @from; ### newline
# @from = $head->get('from') unless @from;
my $sth = $msgs->insert({
msgs_size => $size,
msgs_sent => $date,
msgs_sent_from => join(", " => @from) || '',
msgs_sent_to => join(", " => $head->get('to')) || '',
msgs_sent_cc => join(", " => $head->get('cc')) || '',
msgs_reply_to => join(", " => @reply) || '', ### newline
msgs_subject => join(", " => $head->get('subject')) || '',
msgs_message_id => ($head->get('message-id') || ''),
msgs_has_attach => (($head->is_multipart) ? 'Yes' : 'No'),
msgs_has_html => $has_html,
msgs_checksum => $checksum,
msgs_content => ($head->get('content-type') || ''),
my $id = $sth->insert_id;

I essentially commented out two lines and added four new ones. It seems to work now. From is stuck in the from field now and reply-to is stuck in the reply-to field. Reply-to gets stuck in the from field if there is no from. It seems like the reply-to field hasn't been used up to now?

Please let me know if you see any potential problems with the changes I have made.

Michael Coyne
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Re: [mcoyne] Reply-To and From - FIXED! In reply to

Yes, that would be a good fix. We'll update this in the next release. Blush


Gossamer Threads Inc.

Last edited by:

Alex: Mar 10, 2002, 1:22 PM