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Admin search - sort by problem

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Admin search - sort by problem
When I search users from the admin interface and try to do a sort by it doesn't really sort the results. It actually doesn't seem to matter which field I choose to sort by the results always come up in the same order. Is there something obvious I could be doing wrong here? Does sort by work for anyone else?

Michael Coyne
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Re: [mcoyne] Admin search - sort by problem In reply to

In fact while i was diligently testing for the non functional or inconsistently functional components of admin side, even i noticed this. However, sicen most of the solutions to problems were based on requiring server access, i thought it would be no point putting it in black n white. Now that i see someone having a similar problem, i think i was not making stupid comments while i was reporting certain things which needed to be sorted out ASAP on Admin side without going the shortcut way of requiring access to server.

Hope this problem can be reproduced at GT's end.

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Re: [mcoyne] Admin search - sort by problem In reply to
On or about line 365 of admin/GT/SQL/Base.pm, you'll find this line:

$ret->{sb} = (defined $opt_r->{sb} and $opt_r->{sb} =~ /^([\w\s,]+)$/) ? $1 : '';

Changing it to the following (the only difference is adding the ., marked in red) will fix the problem:

$ret->{sb} = (defined $opt_r->{sb} and $opt_r->{sb} =~ /^([\w\s,.]+)$/) ? $1 : '';

Jason Rhinelander
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