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no strict... links sql 1.2

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no strict... links sql 1.2

just looking through the Links SQL 1.2 which i just downloaded - looks pretty cool :) Can't find the DBSQL.pm file, looks like its been replaced with lots of smaller modules?

Anyway - the reason I'm posting is in Date.pm under the _formate_date sub routine it says no strict. Out of curiousity, why was this section of code not programmed using strict... isn't it just a case of adding in a few more "my"'s into the code?

Plugin system looks like it is going to work well as well - This is one of the things that I am most looking forward to.

Anyway - still looking through the code, the admin part of it looks good - keep up the good work fellas.

Michael Bray
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Re: no strict... links sql 1.2 In reply to
Actually, DBSQL.pm was broken down into several modules.

This is part of the length of time for the rewrite -- it's a complete OOP, classed, subclassed, and modularized system.

If you look, you'll see that it uses a much, much more modular construction over all.

You might want to study the book "Apache modules with C and Perl" for the theory behind it all. Warning: It's not light reading! It's written by Lincoln Stein (CGI.pm) and the guy who wrote mod_perl.

As for the "no strict"

It probably has to do with error/warning messagse posted to the logs, and avoiding them. Sometimes strict is a pain, especially when you are sure you know what youare doing, but perl thinks you don't.

Sort of like the odd construct they use for $VERSION numbers, to stop perl from complaining the constant was only used once.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/