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What will happen if I change a field in a Table?

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What will happen if I change a field in a Table?
I plan to create several categories, each with several thousand links. Those categories have different URLs. But within those categories all links share the same URL. I want to change Admin/Links/Add so that the URL in a category will
come up by fault. I don't want to repeat URL each time I create a link. After I finish building one category, I
will start building another with a different URL. Pugdog helped me to find Admin/Table Maintenance/Upgrade Field to change the default URL. What I am afraind is that If I change the default URL in the URL field, will all my links in all categories I have created so far have the same URL? Please help. I really want to know what will happen if I change the field in a table in Admin/Table Maintenance/Upgrade fields? Will I change all the links I have created and will create? Thanks.

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Re: What will happen if I change a field in a Table? In reply to
I am _totally_ confused!!!

Can you give an example of what you want to do?

If you change the "default" in the MySQL table, or the .def file (UPDATE va Admin/Update) you will not change any EXISTING records in the database. Only _NEW_ records will be given the defaults.

If you use the SQL monitor to change records, ie: using an UPDATE/SET command, then _every_ record matching the "WHERE" clause (implied or not) will be updated.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: What will happen if I change a field in a Table? In reply to
Hi, Pugdog:
I got you confused, but you answered my question. Thanks.