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Trouble replying past few days

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Trouble replying past few days
I've had some real performance problems trying to connect -- I've had packet loss problems as high as 50%, and even now at 12:45 am eastern time, I'm having performance problems trying to connect. For brief periods it flies, then it stops dead.

If I haven't answered or replied to a post or follow up thread, it's because my new/update pointers are mixed up due to repeated connect attempts.

If you posted and still need an answer, feel free to post again to the thread, so it flags as new.

I'm not trying to ignore anyone, I physically can't get a good route to Gossamer-Threads.com any more. It's been a few days so I'm starting to lose track of threads I answered or didn't answer on.

(Please, .... don't reply here... this is just an FYI post. GT is working on getting the problems resolved with the various carriers.)

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/