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To give fieldvalues to subroutines (not template!)

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To give fieldvalues to subroutines (not template!)
I have always the same problem by modifying the last days:
I call fom build.cgi one sub in HTML_Templeates;
I know that every field from the table is given to the subroutine, but i dont knwo how to give it out as variable in the subroutine (not in the template!)


build.cgi calls
sub site_html_print_cat
There i want to say :
my $NewVar = Value of Field Description.

Hope someone have an answer this night, i stuck without this.

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Re: To give fieldvalues to subroutines (not template!) In reply to
You would pass it the same way, by adding it to the $rec-> hash. Then, picking it out in the subroutine.

To do it any other way, would require you to re-write the arguments to the subroutine.

You are better adding to to the $rec-> hash, than to %GLOBALS, since you'd have to keep track of what you are doing if you do that.

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