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Sub Cateogry

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Sub Cateogry
I have created a template for the main category. For some reason the sub category doesnt show the template properlly. Is there another file I need to change. I want it looking like this


but the sub cateogory gets displayed like this


any help would be great.


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Re: Sub Cateogry In reply to
I'm not sure what he's asking either -- unless there is a problem between Netscape and MSIE.

I made the very reluctant switch to MSIE last month.... And a lot of problems went away -- makes me realize how much MS has done to Windows code to make other programs _not_ work.
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Re: Sub Cateogry In reply to
What specifically is the problem? Outside of the image placement and a bit of link info, You're main category looks like your subcategory. (Again, what specifically isn't working) If this is indeed you're problem, you'll need to inspect the relation between your Link.html code and your Category.html code. (Look at table settings, image alignment settings etc..) Also, turn off the compress feature in your config file while you're in development. Code is really difficult to look at without proper spacing.

If this doesn't help you, you'll have to be more specific about what you've done to get to where you're at (have you implemented a specific modification, if so, which one?) and specifically why you're not able to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish. (what have you tried? how have you tried it? anything specific is helpful - all anybody else will know is what you put down in words)

