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Searching Mod for jump+Rating in one click...

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Searching Mod for jump+Rating in one click...
Greetings to all,

I think, Rating a link is a good way to show what surfer likes or not...

I am looking for a new mod that makes that possible:

TwoWindowMode: If a surfer clicks one time on a link to visit it, I want to open the first window with the selected link and a second (little) window with the possibility to rate a site or to report it as a bad link...

FrameMode: Another better (?) way is to open ONE new window with two frames: Top-frame with Ratings, big main-frame with the link itself...

So I think I have to work on jump.cgi or something else - any suggestions or ideas ?



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Re: Searching Mod for jump+Rating in one click... In reply to
unless you have a frame site, this will be awkward.

Pop up windows annoy many, many people.

I've found the best way is to open the jumped to site in a new window. Why? Most people if they go somewhere they don't want to be will "close" a window, rather than go back. Think about how you navigate, and how many times you have closed a browser window rather than gone back?

This also takes care of sites that use re-direction or javascript to prevent you from going back, or leaving. Just close the window, and your site is back on top.

Put the rate/report question on the link.html or the detail.html page.

This is a complex interface issue. not from the programming point of view, but from a user interaction/reaction point of view.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/