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Parse_RDF.pl (new error)

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Parse_RDF.pl (new error)
Okay, the Parse took forever, but finally finished. Here is the tail end of what it looked like (and an ERROR), with what may be a major problem or a minor problem. I am not completely certain what I must do at this point (the terminal window is still open).

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DBI::db=HASH(0x8195444)->disconnect invalidates 1 active statement handle (either destroy statement handles or call finish on them before disconnecting) at Parse_RDF.pl line 352, <CONTENT_FILE> chunk 10403002.
[root@daywhizzy setup]#

See where is says DBI::db=HASH ---> so it appears it wants me to do something right now, and may not be that serious (???). Here is like lines 340-360 or Parse_RDF.pl (with line 352 pointed out) - the line where the error (?) occured:

Parse_RDF.pl is as follows:

o', 0, 0, 'Yes') or die "Error: $DBI::errstr on line: $.";
$SEEN_URL{lc $url} = $sth_Links->{'mysql_insertid'} &#0124; &#0124; $sth_Links->{'insertid'};
undef %URL;

$dbh_Links->disconnect; <--line 352


What would anyone here suggest occured, and the solution? Thank you greatly! Smile


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Re: Parse_RDF.pl (new error) In reply to
That is just a warning and isn't critical. I'll fix it up, but it's nothing to be concerned about.


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Re: Parse_RDF.pl (new error) In reply to
Thanks! Smile)