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Most important function !? and many other quests

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Most important function !? and many other quests
Hi there, after mailing with Alex, i thought the new version would have a perfect search-function like the admin-tool (or better). Now i install the beta 3, run it and find nothing changed for the search-function. So please tell me, if and how i can do a automatic form (or a static one) to search all (my own ones too)fields. The same on how to search like: 100 < x < 200 or find in Postalcode with 5 alle 5xxxx but not 12!5!2. ( i have no probs with javascript to build a function that automatic takes 2 values from two fields, bring it in the right order and do the right string for the script) but i have no clue how i can do a search like this on links.
I think Links is the best script i used before for databases, but i miss this function very hard. Too many things need this search. I asked for this some time for links 2 but all i got, was the hint to search inside the forum. There is only one mod, but this depends on another, i cant find (the documentation for the first was poor).

By the way:
In Links.pm is spoken about changing the dbsql.pm to use foreign chars; but this file isnīt on my server ?

Why arenīt the Temp and Upload-Dirs build automaticly?

And what should mean:
"Oops, we had the following problem: Auto submission is not allowed in this directory. Please -- visit the site --- to add your entry."
I have tested all dirs, all set to 777 down to Temp and Upload. I have set the three Dirs inside the links.pm too. And have set entrees without login in.

Another one:

"note: alex.. check nph-build.cgi for $HEIARCH.. i think you said you were fixing the spellings"
"Man, CategoryTree is sounding better and better"

- sorry, what should this mean?
Is there a misspelling and it should named "seach" ?

European date format? As i understand the sql ... the date is right in this form needed; so i cant change it inside the script; is there a function for output i can change, so the date for sql is us, but the ouput comes in the right european form?

And one question more, cause of working over telnet, over ftp and cause of Links, i have 3 different users for my dirs and files; root, username and nobody; as i think it should not be admin cause then i cant do with ftp; is it important to set it to something special?

Once more: In SQl i have set the db to name%; should it be only name ? And what makes the difference? Stand name% for all dbs with name at the beginning ?

Do the setup from links everything? I still do a new DB with phpMyAdmin first?

After register as a new user, i watch this at the admintool and mod it to admin (no clue what the empty field "validation" means?), now i try to logout and get this:

Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/sdb/user.cgi line 70

What means: You can also attach files to the user table if you like inside the links.pm ???

Now finding the dbsql. ???

Why dirs: backup, defs, Links, Setup, templates (instead all upper or lower ?); If i have set Links to links the setup.cgi wonīt show more than the header?

After 1 hour trying to add something as a user i found it: for the referrer i have set the IP, as i set referrer to [] it runs. but why the hell i couldnīt use the IP? Cause of the different platforms we use (1 time at an isp with Domain (he sells 25MB for ca. 28$ and this is in germany a great price (misc calculating, hehe), 1 time own linux and one time NT, we use only ips for our own servers)

Is there a fast bannerexchange to implement; all the perlscripts i tried before are slow and full with errors? The only one i know that handle ten-thousends of hits and sites a day is FaaastExchange from an austrian guy, but its for NT.

Just another thing for Alex: what do you think about an "error-tool" like for linux-security-bugs as newsletter or mailinglist; its not a fine thing to read all days all the messages from the gurus here to find this or that to improve. So the gods here should have access to write a mailing to all interested users.

Last for today: Are there any mods that work for the sql, too. I think not but hope im false.

Subject Author Views Date
Thread Most important function !? and many other quests Robert 1477 Nov 23, 1999, 12:40 PM
Post Re: Most important function !? and many other quests
Robert 1403 Nov 23, 1999, 12:44 PM