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Detailed pages using dynamic system

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Detailed pages using dynamic system
I just noticed that detailed pages are not considered to work in dynamic mode.
So i did the following mods to bypass this little problem:

on jump.cgi
I added just before the else at the end of the main subroutine...
elsif ($in->param('DET') eq 'Yes') {
print $in->header();
print &site_html_detailed ($rec, {}, $in);

also, on HTML_Templates on sub site_html_link ...
$rec->{'DET'} = ($LINKS{build_detailed}) ? 'Yes' : 'No';

also... at last, on any template link.html
<ul><li><a class="link" href="<%db_cgi_url%>/jump.cgi?ID=<%ID%>&DET=<%DET%>"><%Title%></a>

that's it.
Detailed pages works also using page.cgi.

hope that helps

Buona Giornata a tutti

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Re: Detailed pages using dynamic system In reply to
You might want to check the FAQ. There are several discussions on this there, and I think you need to make a couple of other changess to some files (bug report) depending on when you got your version of Links.

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