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Create a Recommended Programs Listing

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Create a Recommended Programs Listing
Okay, here is one for all you guru's there. People who formerly used Links 2.0 will remember a couple of mods called 'Pick' and 'Top Ten'. I used both these mods previously, as I recommend certain programs and also keep a Top Ten List of Programs. These were setup with a simple 'Yes/No' field (default being No).

I've tried implementing this in LinksSQL - the nph-build.cgi runs okay - no errors - actually got it to create a Top Ten page, but it didn't have any links on it!

Firstly, in Links.pm I added the following:-

# The path and URL for the TOP TEN Programs page.
$LINKS{build_topten_path} = "$LINKS{build_root_path}/My_Top_Ten_Affiliate_Programs";
$LINKS{build_topten_url} = "$LINKS{build_root_url}/My_Top_Ten_Affiliate_Programs";

I then in nph-build.cgi added the following in sub_build_all

AND also in nph-build.cgi:

sub build_topten_page {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Creates a "TopTen" page.
my ($s, $e, $f, $sth, $link, $category, $category_clean, %link_output);
my ($total, $link_results, $title_linked, $percent);

print "Building <a href='$LINKS{build_topten_url}/$LINKS{build_index}' target='_blank'>Top Ten Programs</a> ... \n" :
print "Building Top Ten Programs Page ... \n";
$s = time();

# Build the directory.
($LINKS{build_topten_path} =~ m,^$LINKS{build_root_path}/(.*)$,) and &build_dir ($1);

# Get all the topten links.
$sth = $LINKDB->prepare (qq!
SELECT Links.*, Category.Name
FROM Links, Category
WHERE Links.isTop = 'Yes' AND Links.CategoryID = Category.ID
ORDER BY $LINKS{build_sort_order_topten}
LIMIT 1000

# Create the HTML for the individual links.
$total = 0;
while ($link = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
$link_output{$link->{'Name'}} .= &site_html_link ($link);

# Create the HTML for the category headers, and join it all together into link_results.
foreach $category (sort keys %link_output) {
$category_clean = &build_clean_name ($category);
$link_results .= qq|<P><A HREF="$LINKS{build_root_url}/$category_clean/$LINKS{build_index}">$category</A>\n|;
$link_results .= $link_output{$category};

# Write it out to the file.
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Top Ten Affiliate Programs");
open (TOPTEN, ">$LINKS{build_topten_path}/$LINKS{build_index}") or die ("unable to open top ten page: $LINKS{build_topten_path}/$LINKS{build_index}. Reason: $!");
print "\tTop Ten Affiliate Programs: $total\n";
print TOPTEN &site_html_topten ( { grand_total => $GRAND_TOTAL, total => $total, link_results => $link_results, title_linked => $title_linked, percent => $percent } );
close TOPTEN;

# All done.
$f = time();
$e = $f - $s;
print "Done ($e s)\n\n";

Now you clever codester's out there (one of which I am not) will notice that what I basically did was cut/paste the contents of sub_build_cool_page, however I also removed from that area a couple of lines: -

($sth->rows > 1000) and print "\tWarning: Max Cool links limit of 1,000 exceeded!\n";
Because I thought this was irrelevant as it was going the check of New Links.

The key area where I think I made an error was in the following area: -

# Write it out to the file.
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Top Ten Affiliate Programs");
open (TOPTEN, ">$LINKS{build_topten_path}/$LINKS{build_index}") or die ("unable to open top ten page: $LINKS{build_topten_path}/$LINKS{build_index}. Reason: $!");
print "\tTop Ten Affiliate Programs: $total\n";
print TOPTEN &site_html_topten ( { grand_total => $GRAND_TOTAL, total => $total, link_results => $link_results, title_linked => $title_linked, percent => $percent } );
close TOPTEN;

The corresponding code in the what's cool area is: -

# Write it out to the file.
$title_linked = &build_linked_title ("Cool");
open (COOL, ">$LINKS{build_cool_path}/$LINKS{build_index}") or die ("unable to open what's cool page: $LINKS{build_cool_path}/$LINKS{build_index}. Reason: $!");
print "\tCool Links: $total\n";
($LINKS{build_pop_cutoff} < 1) ? ($percent = $LINKS{build_pop_cutoff} * 100 . "%") : ($percent = $LINKS{build_pop_cutoff});
print COOL &site_html_cool ( { grand_total => $GRAND_TOTAL, total => $total, link_results => $link_results, title_linked => $title_linked, percent => $percent } );
close COOL;

I believe the changes in this area is what is causing me not to display any links.

In HTML_Templates.pm I also added the following:-

in the @EXPORT... area.

and also the following subroutine:-

sub site_html_topten {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine determines how the top rated page will look like.
my ($tags, $dynamic) = @_;
my $template = defined $dynamic ? $dynamic->param('t') : undef;
(ref $tags eq 'HASH') or croak "HTML_TEMPLATES: Argument '$tags' must be hash reference";

defined $dynamic and &load_user ($dynamic, $tags, $tags->{ID});
my $output = &load_template ( 'category.html', {
}, undef, $template);
defined $dynamic and &clean_output($dynamic, \$output);
return $output;

I hope someone can follow these changes and work out what I am trying to do. I believe the area where I am principally having the problem is in the #write it out to a file area above.

Anyone have any ideas? If I can work this out, then I'll be able to also amend it for my Recommended Programs.

These fields are current in my database, and is defined as 'isTop'.



Proud Supporter of Links SQL