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Multi-language plugin

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Multi-language plugin
I am interested to add the multi-language plugin to LinksSQL and I would like to see if it covers what I'd like to do, however the demo is disabled at the moment. Can somebody from GT explain how the plugin works or point me to some docs? What I'd like to do is to be able to keep some fields that are common in each language the same and, additionally, in the add, modify forms ask the users to enter information in both languages for the fields that are different. Is that possible with the plugin?
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Re: [Taki-x] Multi-language plugin In reply to

Indeed, your requirements won't be a problem for the plugin.

Basically, what it does is allow you to have a duplicate for every field in the database in different languages, and then using a different template set, to call up the individual language fields if so desired. Should you wish to use common fields, it simply makes the setup easier, and reduces the size of the database.

And yes, in the add and modify forms, you can request information for any or all of the fields in the database, all languages if so desired. Let me know if you have any additional questions at all.

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Re: [Jack] Multi-language plugin In reply to
Thank you for your reply. Your answer is clear enough, however just to be more specific what I would like to be able to do is for example:

Keywords (same for both languages)

When a user adds/modifies a link from language1 or language2 template should be asked for all 3 fields of the above example to be filled, whatever is their preferred language.

Could you also tell me, if I install this plugin now, is it going to be compatible and allow a standard upgrade to LSQL v.3 which is supposed to be released soon or it will require extra work?
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Re: [Taki-x] Multi-language plugin In reply to

Yes, you can use the same include_form template on both template set 1 and 2, so you will display all three fields to the user.

Going to version 3 would still preserve the functionality of the plugin, but the templates will have to be re-done. If somehow version 3 breaks the functionality of the plugin, we would release a new one and you would get a free upgrade.
