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validation code is login for registered users

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validation code is login for registered users

I have not checked the latest update of Links and did not implement a solution of my own.
Please accept this as a note which might be interesting.
The validation code is kind of secure but I think it is not necessary to allow someone to login with the validation code if a user is already registered.

Login.pm says you can:

sub validate_user {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Validates a user.
my $code = $IN->param('code');
$code =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;

my $mtl = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_VALIDATE'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/user.cgi?validate=1");

if (!$code) {
print $IN->header;
print Links::SiteHTML::display('validate_form', { error => Links::language('USER_INVALIDVAL'), main_title_loop => $mtl });
my $db = $DB->table('Users');
my $sth = $db->select({ Validation => $code });
my $user = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;

if (! $user) {
print $IN->header;
print Links::SiteHTML::display('validate_form', { error => Links::language('USER_INVALIDVAL'), main_title_loop => $mtl });
$db->update({ Status => 'Registered' }, { Username => $user->{Username} });
login_user($user->{Username}, $user->{Password}, 'validate_success');

