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searching for month

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searching for month
Hi there,

I have my database indexed to internal and am trying to search for names of months like january, february, march etc... but I continually get no results. I have verified that other words in my textarea fieldd are being indexed and produce results. I've also looked in Links_Word_List and see that no month names are in the word list. I looked in GT:Search:Internal:Indexer.pm and don't see any stop words but figure they must be somewhere. Is there an area I can adjust in order to allow for the indexing of month names? Will it get overridden during an upgrade? Is there a reason you can share as to why month names are not indexable? Is there a better way to handle the searching of links that contain month names?

thanks for any insight you can provide.


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Re: [klangan] searching for month In reply to
I'm not really sure why you would want to search for month names, but printing them out is a function of GT::Date.pm. Month numbers are stored in the db. That is why you can't find them anywhere.

Hope this helps,

- Jonathan
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Re: [klangan] searching for month In reply to
My guess is that your Description column is set to a TEXT type. TEXT types cannot be indexed with the internal indexer.

You can change it to a CHAR column, but there is a 255 character limit. You can create a seperate column (ie, "Excerpt") with a shortened description or keywords pertaining to the link.

Or you can change your index type to "MYSQL".

Limecat is not pleased.

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fuzzy logic: Aug 23, 2006, 3:12 PM
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Re: [fuzzy logic] searching for month In reply to
Hi all, thanks for the feeback, but I don't think what your're describing is the problem.

The month names are actually part of the content the users enter in the description field. For some reason the other words in the description are indexed but not the names of the months. I need to know which of the websites listed contain information related to a specific month.

Indexing the words in a text area IS done by LinkSQL on a table with an indexing scheme set to INTERNAL which is different than setting a Column Index to Regular or Unique - which can't be done on a text field.

In the case of the text field in question, the search weight is set to 1. Again, I have verified that the other words in this field ARE being indexed and stored in the Links_Word_List table, just not the names of the months.

I'm just trying to figure out what's stopping names of months from being indexed and whether or not this can be changed and not be overwritten when upgrading.

oh, and I have run the reindex function several times.



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Re: [klangan] searching for month In reply to
Ah... I see now. That is interesting.

The same thing happens in my database. I added a completely random string of letters and searched for it and got a result. Then added a link with a month name in the description, and got no result.

Limecat is not pleased.
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Re: [klangan] searching for month In reply to
using the "search" function in FileMan, I did a search for "September", got a hit for GT::Search::Base::Common, and found this:

$STOPWORDS = { map { $_ => 1 } qw/
of about or all several also she among since an some and such are than
as that at the be them because there been these between they both this
but those by to do toward during towards each upon either for from was
had were has what have when he where her which his while however with if
within in would into you your is it its many more most must on re it
test not above add am pm jan january feb february mar march apr april
may jun june jul july aug august sep sept september oct october nov
november dec december
find &amp &gt &lt we http com www inc other
/ };

There's your STOPWORD list Wink

Limecat is not pleased.
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Re: [fuzzy logic] searching for month In reply to
Brilliant idea to use fileman for that. duh. should've thought of that.

for others, the file location is GT::SQL::Search::Base::Common

For GT: Can these be turned into a config variable or language file variable that we have control of? It would appear that any changes to this document would result in them being overwritten.
Also, the search page results could then know information about words ignored by the system.

thanks for the consideration.



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klangan: Aug 23, 2006, 4:34 PM