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phpAds / phpAdsNew

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phpAds / phpAdsNew
has anybody intergrated this banner system in yet? I'm finally a LinksSql user and still haven't spent the hours digging through here yet for information, sorry, I jsut spent 8 hours getting dbi and dbd installed on my desktop. errrrrr ......

I noticed that adcycle is available, but I just linksSQL so the bank needs to print me more money before I go out and buy things. Sure, adcycle might have the "upgrade" version but I got phpAdsnew to work on dbman for a friend, this time I'm wondering why all of you are with adcycle, is it worth it? and or, is installing a php based program a problem?


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Re: phpAds / phpAdsNew In reply to
If you search for AdCycle PHP, you will find a few Threads where banner programs have been discussed and basically GT has a really good working relationship with the programmer of AdCycle and they are working together to write easy-to-use plugins for LINKS SQL users. And since both AdCycle and LINKS SQL are Perl/MySQL based, they compliment each other very nicely, versus a PHP product like PHPAds.

Anyway...try the keywords I gave and you can read more about this topic.


Eliot Lee
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Re: phpAds / phpAdsNew In reply to
Thanks Eliot for the information. I should've realized that there was something between GT and adcycle and wwwthreads.

And I'll dig for those keywords.

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Re: phpAds / phpAdsNew In reply to
I am developing a PHP/MySQL banner script. Its pretty fast. I have started learning C now - and might redo it in C and PostgresSQL. I'll hopefully have a PHP/MySQL out in about 3 months though that will be intergrated with Links SQL :)

Haven't got much of a demo going, there is:


But only two links on there work I think. The code to select the banner etc it done, which is the main thing. Its just a pain in the neck to do all the small things that need to be done.

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Re: phpAds / phpAdsNew In reply to
phpAds is easy to categorize, if you wish to have different advertizers connected to some categories.

You include the three include files, and uses view("categoryname") in the category template. Then this tag is on all pages, and when you got an adverticer for one cat, you add him from admin, and specify the campain on category.


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Re: phpAds / phpAdsNew In reply to
I'm using the adcycle plugin and just love it.

http:// www.adultdvdlinks.com