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luna template question - search bar

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luna template question - search bar

I am trying to float an image to the far right of the 'search bar' in the template: 'include_header.html'

Take a look at the code:

<div class="searchbar">

-- want to float an image to the right ...

<form action="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/search.cgi">
<label for="searchbox">Search</label>
<%if category_id%><input type="radio" id="searchentire" name="catid" value="" checked="checked" /><label for="searchentire">the entire directory</label> <input type="radio" id="searchcat" name="catid" value="<%escape_html category_id%>" /><label for="searchcat">only this category</label><%endif%>
<input type="text" id="searchbox" name="query" value="<%if query%><%escape_html query%><%endif%>" class="text" /><input type="submit" name="Go" value="Go" class="submit" /> <a href="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/search.cgi">Advanced Search</a>


I've used the same CSS used in the footer that floats the Gossamer logo accordingly:

img {
float: right;

But this does not work when I apply a CSS class to the 'searchbar' class <div> above.

Any ideas?
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Re: [kajukenbokid] luna template question - search bar In reply to
Try this...

Add to luna.css
.searchbar {
float: left;
padding: 5px 5px;
.searchbar img {
float: right;
Then in include_header.html (add bold line)
<div class="searchbar">
<a href="http://www.gossamer-threads.com"><img
src="<%Links::Utils::image_url('poweredby.gif')%>" alt="Powered
by Gossamer Links" /></a>

<form action="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/search.cgi">
<label for="searchbox">Search</label>
<%if category_id%><input type="radio" id="searchentire" name="catid" value="" checked="checked" /><label for="searchentire">the entire directory</label> <input type="radio" id="searchcat" name="catid" value="<%escape_html category_id%>" /><label for="searchcat">only this category</label><%endif%>
<input type="text" id="searchbox" name="query" value="<%if query%><%escape_html query%><%endif%>" class="text" /><input type="submit" name="Go" value="Go" class="submit" /> <a href="<%config.db_cgi_url%>/search.cgi">Advanced Search</a>
Hope that helps.

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