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include_content templates

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include_content templates
Added include_contentwrapper_top/bottom.html and include_content_top/bottom.html template includes to make adding content to all pages easier to do.

Sorry for sounding dumb but what would you do with these? What's the difference between these and include_header/footer?
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Re: [MJB] include_content templates In reply to
The difference is the location of where you want your chunk of html to be displayed. If you put content in include_contentheader.html, it will push everything down (including the sidebars). With include_contentwrapper_top.html, it will only push down the content (you will need a background set if you put something here). Lastly, include_content_top.html goes right inside the content (white area). So it depends on where you want to add your bit of html.
