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how do you auto generate the add form

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how do you auto generate the add form
Does anyone know how to auto generate the add form so that it is like the add link form in the admin. I don't want to type out all the form fields that will be needed to add a link and since in the admin the form is displayed automatically i think i shouldn't have to.

Please help. thanks
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Re: [vanhut] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to
It's not straightforward, but could in principle be done using the GT::SQL::Admin module.

However, this module is meant for administrators, not website users. In particular, it will automatically generate a link to "Properties" at the bottom of the page, which allows you to change the properties of your table (adding/deleting fields etc). So it is not a good idea to use it for people adding links.

So basically you will have to type out your form fields...

Iyengar Yoga Resources / GT Plugins
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Re: [yogi] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to
is there a way i can access the links.def file and get the posible values of a field. this would be helpful.
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Re: [vanhut] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to
You can access it via:
my $values = $DB->table('Links')->cols->{'Column Name'}->{form_values};
($values result is an array reference of the form values you have)

I hope this is what you need.

Best regards,

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Re: [vanhut] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to
I've been doing it sucessfully using this global I called getform (don't call it form as that will cause problems)

This works for adding and modifying links. You still need to use the <%Category%> tag

Replace include include_form.html with <%getform%> and add the following as a global.

You'll probably want to make some custom changes to the hide and skip vars. You can discover more options by looking in GT::SQL::Display::HTML.pm

I don't remember if my $category_info is necessary or not.

Here's the global:

sub {
my $rec = shift;
my $link_id = $rec->{'LinkID'};
my $category_id = $rec->{'CatLinks.CategoryID'} || $rec->{'ID'};
my $category = $DB->table ('Category');
my $links = $DB->table ('Links');
my $category_info = $category->get ( { ID => $category_id }, 'HASH', ['ID', ,'Full_Name','Name', 'Number_of_Links'] );
my $link_info = $links->get ( { ID => $link_id } );
my $record;
my $error = $rec->{'error'};
my $script;

if (($link_id) and (!$error)) {
$record = $link_info;
} else {
$record = $rec;

if ($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'} =~ m/add.cgi/){
$record->{ID} = "";
my ($file_field,$file_delete, $skip);
if (($rec->{Status} eq "Editor") or ($rec->{Status} eq "Administrator")) {
$file_field = '1';
$file_delete = '1';
$skip = [qw/CatLinks.LinkID Timestmp/];
} else {
$file_field = '0';
$file_delete = '0';
$skip = [qw/Thumbnail Detail CatLinks.LinkID Timestmp Reviews_Allowed/];

my $hide;
$hide = [qw/ID isValidated isNew isChanged isPopular Status Date_Checked Timestmp Hits Rating Votes Add_Date Mod_Date LinkOwner /];

my $h = new GT::SQL::Display::HTML::Table ( { db => $links, input => $record } );
return form => $h->form ( { defaults => 1, file_field => $file_field, file_delete => $file_delete, hide_downloads=>1, skip => $skip,
hide => $hide, table => qw/width=640 border=1/

Hope it works for you.

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Re: [klangan] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to

that is what i was looking for. I however i have another situation where i want to be able to format it a bit differently. what i have in the for, among other things, is a list of about 70 checkboxes. i want to beable to format them with a table so it looks much neater. i also want to beable to get the boxes the user had checked so that i can recheck the boxes on the modify form.

Also i was trying to use the
my $values = $DB->table('Links')->cols->{'col name'}->{form_values};

to out put the different possible values but i couldn't get it to work. It just printed out my sub function and not any values. is there a display function i need to use to get the sub to display right.

Is there a list of functions that or info for developers?
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Re: [vanhut] how do you auto generate the add form In reply to
HI Vanhut,

You'll have to edit GT:SQL::HTML.pm sub checkbox {

Note that whatever changes you make to that subroutine will appear in the editor section and the admin section.

I hope GT comes up with some formatting options for properties->field. I'd like to see more options available for textareas that allows us to specify wrapping, checkboxes and radio buttons could allow us to specify columns.

I agree and have implemented building checkboxes into 3 or 4 columns within a table using that sub, but it's a static change and I hate making those kinds of changes as it makes upgrading problematic and I have no desire to assume responsibility for sites I don't work directly on.

Anyway, with all that said, here's the mod, you'll need to find the proper location (and yes, it's based on GT code found elsewhere):

# Figure out how to order this select list.
my @keys;
if ($sort_o) { @keys = @$sort_o; }
elsif ($sort_f) { @keys = sort { $sort_f->() } keys %hash }
else { @keys = keys %hash }

if (! ref $def) {
$def = [sort split (/\Q$INPUT_SEPARATOR\E%?/o, $def)];
# klangan mod returns checkbox list in equal columns
$out .= qq|<table width=100%><tr valign=top><td><font $self->{font}>|;
my $i = 0;
my $columns = "3";
my $counter = "0";
my $width = int (100 / $columns);
my $number= scalar @keys;
my $breakpoint = int (($number) / $columns) + ( (($number) % $columns) ? 1 : 0);
# klangan mod
KEY: foreach my $key (@keys) {
# klangan mod
if ($number > '4') {
($i > 0) and !($i % $breakpoint) and ($out .= qq|</td>\n<td valign="top"><font $self->{font}>\n|);
# klangan mod
my $val = $hash{$key};
VAL: foreach my $sel (@$def) {
($key eq $sel) and ($out .= qq~ <input name="$name" type="checkbox" value="$key" checked>$val<br>~) and next KEY;
$out .= qq~ <input name="$name" type="checkbox" value="$key">$val<br>~;
# klangan mod
$out .= "</td></tr></table>";
# klangan mod

