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category_loop question

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category_loop question

Inside the <%loop category_loop%> (in the form.html include template) I want to be able to set the <select> box's 'selected' attribute to a particular category when the form is first loaded. To do so I added this code

<%if page_id ne 'modify' and Full_Name == 'USA'%>selected="selected" <%endif%>

In this case, I wanted the default category to be 'USA'. The full code can be found here:

<%loop category_loop%>
<% if CatDepth == 2%>
<%if page_id ne 'modify' and Full_Name == 'USA'%>selected="selected" <%endif%> style="background-color: #ededed;" value="<%escape_html ID%>"<%if selected%> selected="selected"<%endif%>><%'&nbsp;&nbsp;' x $CatDepth%><%Name%></option>
<%elseif CatDepth == 3%>
<option style="color: green;" value="<%escape_html ID%>"<%if selected%> selected="selected"<%endif%>><%'&nbsp;&nbsp;' x $CatDepth%><%Name%></option>
<option value="<%escape_html ID%>"<%if selected%> selected="selected"<%endif%>><%'&nbsp;&nbsp;' x $CatDepth%><%Name%></option>

The problem:

I am now getting weird results - the default category is not 'USA' - it falls to some other category name for reasons I can't understand...?

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
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Re: [kajukenbokid] category_loop question In reply to
== is used for numeric comparisons, use 'eq' for string comparisons.
