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Similar install Problem

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Similar install Problem
Hi all,

I seem to be getting a similar problem to the ones i was getting yesterday when adding a user.

It says,
Can't locate Digest/MD5.pm
The MD5 file is trying to locate it but cant and isnt defaulting.

# Internal module
use GT::Base;

@EXPORT_OK = qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);

@ISA = qw(Exporter GT::Base);
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.d", q$Revision: 1.3 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;

eval {
require Digest::MD5;
import Digest::MD5 (@EXPORT_OK);
or do {
my $mod = join "", <DATA>;
eval "$mod";
Also Alex, you asked if i was installing from a blank database, should I be?


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Re: Similar install Problem In reply to
This is all modules that are part (or should be) of perl.

You can get them from CPAN.

I thought I installed most of those files when I installed MySQL & DBI because it was required.

These encoding schemes are used to communicate between the server and browser (server/client) and in sending email (that's what the MIME/base64 module was).

Long-standing PERL systems eventually have a certain core of modules added in, because so many packages require them (even though they are not part of the perl core modules). The encoding modules are one of them.

Looking at the module list I just posted on the FAQ site, the modules you'd want to add to perl are MIME and MD5

It's _really_ better to add in these modules, than try to work around them if at all possible. Many programs, and add ins, are going to assume those modules are there, and not bother to check for them.

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
FAQ: http://postcards.com/FAQ

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Re: Similar install Problem In reply to
In upgrading my modules, something I do every few months when I need a challenge <G> I realized those encryption modules were installed as part of the CPAN install.

If you have CPAN instlled in perl (and I think it's now one of the core modules)

Try something like perl -MCPAN -e shell

that should check for new versions.

you might need to then force install Bundle::CPAN to get it all recompiled.

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
FAQ: http://postcards.com/FAQ

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Re: Similar install Problem In reply to
Hi Pugdog,

I have downloaded the latest release of perl5.600 from the perl site, I can upload it to the server, and unpack it but which directory should this be in should i unpack it in root or should i do it in /usr/bin/perl

Any help would be much appreciated,


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Re: Similar install Problem In reply to

If it's source, you need to unpack it into the place you usually upload your source. For me, it's my home working directory.

My suggestion is _NEVER_ do any of this in the system directories, and NEVER do anything but the make install as "root". It's better to hit a "permissions error" and find out you were doing something wrong, than to just go ahead and do it all, and find out after the fact. Yes, it's easier to be 'root' all the time, but it's very, very bad practice. Really, the only time 95% of programs need to have root access is during the 'install' phase when files are moved to the system directories.

When you untar it all, and start to configure/make etc. you'll be prompted for the paths (I'm pretty sure) and then when you make install it will do the moves for you.

It's a scary proceedure, and I suggest before you do anything with perl or apache, you make a copy of your executable ie: httpd or perl as httpd_ver_xxx
and perl_ver_xxx so you can quickly roll back if something bombs.

I upgraded to per 5.6 about 5 months ago (I posted a thread on it here) and had no problems. I was really surprised. I'm having more trouble trying to build a new apache 1.3.14 and the mod_perl 1.24, I'm getting all sorts of problems from mod_perl such as "WARNING -- you need apache 1.3.0".... well, it's 1.3.14 <G> Tonight's another day.

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
FAQ: http://postcards.com/FAQ