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Modify vrs Add and uploaded objects

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Modify vrs Add and uploaded objects
We have setup our database for objects and files for a particular game. Instead of using it as a links database it's being used as a object (or file) database so when someone adds a new item they must upload an item for the game. Now when someone wants to modify their item they are forced to reupload the item, but I would like it so that when they first add an object to our database they are forced to add one by the not null field being set to yes, but on modify I dont want to force the not null field, since the object is already uploaded and they just might want to change the description.

Is this at all possible to do?

Thanks for your time
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Re: [kamidan] Modify vrs Add and uploaded objects In reply to
There is a yes and no here.

I'm not exactly sure how GLinks works, but our upload program will allow for that.

I'm in the final stages of a variety of upload/attach modules, and could probably modify something for you. The problem I'm having, is that the automatic upgrades don't warn you when something you've modified is changed, so the changes have to be done more elaborately eg: through post hooks, or pre-hooks.

The system *should* realize that there is already an attachment, so it might just be remembering to pass the template variable in, or a fix to the back end code that if there is no attachement passed in, the current value is set.

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