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Mimic data content question

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Mimic data content question
I need to duplicate the content of the variables in red from 1st code snippet into
the same named variables in the 2nd code snippet. Gray code is probably not needed (no grouping by).

The original GT code did this:
my $link_sth = $links->query_sth($args);

# And format the link results.
my (@link_results_loop, $link_results, %link_output);
if ($link_count) {
my $results = $link_sth->fetchall_hashref;
@link_results_loop = map Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $_) => @$results unless $CFG->{build_search_gb};
if ($CFG->{build_search_gb}) {
my @ids = map { $_->{ID} } @$results;
my $catlink = $DB->table('CatLinks','Category');
my %names = $catlink->select('LinkID', 'Full_Name', { LinkID => \@ids })->fetchall_list;
foreach my $link (@$results) {
push @{$link_output{$names{$link->{ID}}}}, Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $link);


I am doing this:
my $lcl = $DB->table('Links', 'CatLinks', 'Category') || return $GT::SQL::error;

my $sth = $lcl->select({ FatherID => $catid },
isValidated => '=' => 'Yes',
ExpiryDate => '>=' => time
) );

my @output;
my $link_count = '0';
my $results;

while (my $link = $sth->fetchrow_hashref)
$link->{distance} = distance($olat, $olon, $link->{Latitude}, $link->{Longitude}, $unit);

if($link->{distance} <= $dist)
push (@output, $link);
$results .= $link;
@link_results_loop = map Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $_) => @$results unless $CFG->{build_search_gb};

RGB World, Inc. - Software &amp; Web Development.

Last edited by:

rgbworld: May 24, 2005, 1:55 AM