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Homepage and Categories path

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Homepage and Categories path
I want to make linkssql building the Homepage in the main directory of my server (expl.: www.domain.com) and the other Pages and Categories should be build under (www.domain.com/pages/). So what should I do to reach this results?

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Re: Homepage and Categories path In reply to
I don't think you can.
What I would suggest is that you just copy the "domain.com/pages/index.html" file to your computer, then upload it to where you want the page, such as "domain.com".

Robert Blackstone
Webmaster of Scato Search
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Re: Homepage and Categories path In reply to
You think I can´t? Simply copying the page doesnt solve the problem, because all static and dynamic pages (and templates) would point to www.domain.com/pages/index.html
There must be a way to solve this by saying LinksSQL2: "Build the Homepage URL to www.domain.com/"
If nobody knows what is to do - please Alex - help...

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Re: Homepage and Categories path In reply to
No, you can't. It's not set up to work that way.

You can modify the server settings to rewrite anything to the main / to be picked up by the /links/pages directory.

You can do it in the .htaccess file if overrides all is on.

You can also create a symlink from index.html in your root directory to the /links/pages/index.html page. That should work as well.

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