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Can the hits be dynamically built for static pages?

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Can the hits be dynamically built for static pages?
If that question doesn't make sense, let me explain:

Version 3.1.0

When a user clicks on a link, naturally, the logic flows through jump.cgi here: (jump.pm)


unless ($rows) {
eval {
$clicktrack->insert({ LinkID => $id, IP => $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, ClickType => 'Hits', Created => \"NOW()" });
$links->update({ Hits => \"Hits + 1" }, { ID => $id }, { GT_SQL_SKIP_INDEX => 1 });

I would expect I could add a link of two of logic after the "$links->update" that would rebuild the index.html page for just this one LinkID.

Would someone please tell me the code to "make it so"?

Roger "Teresk" Brown
Stratics Central Content Director
Stratics Forums Programmer
Guild Forums Administrator