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Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL

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Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL
AdvertPro seems to be the program of choice for most people who have purchased or installed a high-end banner server, and I have to agree to some degree (no program is perfect).

I've been working on (for awhile) my own banner program, and have been asked to possibly design a Links SQL plugin for AdvertPro, so this is a fact-finding mission for features and "problems" with the current AdvertPro/Links combinations.

Especially those people using AdvertPro, what do you like about it, what don't you like about it, and what do you want/need in integrating it with Links SQL and site management and features?

Remember, a free-standing program has to encompass all eventualities of site design, while a plug-in or module for a specific program can be 'lean and mean' with extraneous features removed, and specific handlers and features added (since the program can be 'tuned' to the type of input to expect, and output to deliver).

In addition, a mod_perl version is due out February 2001, so that will create a much tighter server/site integration package with Links SQL.

And, at the current rates of development, both Links SQL NG and AdvertPro mod_perl, and maybe this plug-in will all hit about the same time <G>

So, while a 'wish-list' is nice, and we all have those, what I _REALLY_ need is comments from people who are actually using AdvertPro with Links SQL, and what they are having problems with, and/or what they would like to see in the merging of AdvertPro with the next release of Links SQL.

Specifically: Things like passing search terms into the program, setting up zones and regions, and "display spots" etc. What problems are you having, what features would you like?

One thing I'm still working on, is a "featured links" option, where the main category page displays a link from each of the subcategories based on paid-display, then editor rating, then random/default. This way, you can use the accounting features of a banner display program to highlight links/merchants/products within the links site, by (hopefully) doing as little as entering the link ID and the display parameters.

If the link is looked at as nothing more than a "rich media" (HTML) display banner, then the AdvertPro program could handle the display and accounting, and even increment the hits_track logs to keep the 'jump.cgi' count accurate, but still track which hits were due to the "featured" location (only the advertisers would see the breakdown).

Anyway, if this comes off, we've moved Links and banner display into the big leagues.

Check here for the current/planned features in the next releases of AdvertPro:


Disclaimer: This is a fact finding mission only. There's no current affiliation between me and AdvertPro's developers, or GT and AdvertPro (that I'm aware of), or me and GT, etc, etc, etc. I develop Links (SQL) sites, and run several of my own, and do the support here in my "free" time. That's all :)

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
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And, at the current rates of development, both Links SQL NG and AdvertPro mod_perl, and maybe this plug-in will all hit about the same time <G>
Aw, now that just hurt. ;)



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
I've been an AdvertPro customer from version 1.x something.. and I think I'm the one that started this whole advertpro and links bit... search the forum for it. I'm running it on dedicated thin apache ad server... I posted a while back about AdvertPro and L-SQL and what hardware I'm running, I'm just running short on time now, but expect a post from me tomorrow bud ok.


btw, if you don't mind looking at adult content, I can send you the url of the site as well do you can see how I integrated it. BTW, mod_perl will be a HUGE benefit...

Eric Geiler
Links SQL User
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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
Thanks for the nice comments about AdvertPRO everyone!

I'm seeing and hearing lately that there are a lot of Links SQL users also using AdvertPRO, so I'm thinking that integrating the two may not be a bad idea?

Of course, I would need a copy of Links SQL to work with and use for a demo. Any chance on a free copy of Links SQL Alex? I'd be more than willing to trade a copy of AdvertPRO if you like.

What I would consider doing is integrating both the Categories and Search Results. We have a similar plugin for HyperSeek, which allows you to assign 10 different Regions to each of your Categories. Then, in the templates you simply put the plugin call and reference the Region Number (1-10) you want to display. It's really very easy to work with and quite flexible.

As for the Search Results, there just needs to be a way to pass the keywords to AdvertPRO. So, there would be some special code to place in your Search Results template so that Links could pass the keywords.

Of course, with all of your other pages (such as Top 10 or What's New) you will need to insert the banner code on your own. We probably won't go that far with the integration.

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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
Superficially, it's fairly easy to get AdvertPro to work with Links SQL.

Because the site is CGI generated (either dynamically or statically) any sort of advertising or banner codes can be inserted.

On the search form, the search term is passed as term= (or query=) and is just a standard CGI parameter.

With the categories, they can be set up to contain other fields, key words, banner codes, or just about anything.

These are processed during a build, and can be passed to the banner program to generate the appropriate codes.


Once these superficial integrations are done, people seem to want more. In the way of management, zones and banner management from inside the HTML_Templates.pm file (site_html_templates.pl) file, where the various templates have tags for inclusion, and the tags are assigned in a central management area. Then, integration with the user base, so that user preferences and tracking can occur. Then, a system I've mentioned (because it's been requested) is the "featured links" (many sites have them) but pulling it through the banner system for tracking, accounting and revenue generation.

By the time this is all taken into consideration, it's a major undertaking.

And, while every one might say "all I want is to serve banners..." once that is done, everything I mentioned above, and more, will be on the wish/want list.


It's the nature of the beast.

I've been looking at AdvertPro on some other sites I'm working on, _BUT_ the real limitation is that it's not mod_perl compatible, and Links SQL is, which means any "deep" integration is somewhat impossible. Links code fits into AdvertPro, but AdvertPro code doesn't fit into Links without dropping it out of the mod_perl/strict arena.

If you really want to start the integration project, move it to mod_perl NOW, and objectify the interface, so that calls have a straight forward, clean, scalable, adaptable interface.

The move to mod_perl will more than make up for any loss due to the overhead of the oop calls, and will allow integration with other mod_perl compatible scripts and servers.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to

I've been thinking about the integration of Links SQL Categories with AdvertPro and the following crossed my mind:

Links SQL has a table containing all of the necessary category information, and the ability (through the admin panel) to manage and maintain the categories.

AdvertPro has the ability to use Plugins and could easily query the Links.pm file to get details of where the category table is.

At the bottom of the 'Banner' editing screen in AP you could add a facility for category targeting, i.e.; "Target this banner to selected Links categories" with a button, which then displays a sort of 'plugin control panel' for managing target categories (similar to the Affiliate plugin AP already has).

The Target Category Control Panel could be laid-out something like this:

Text Box - Displays categories currently selected for targeting, or (None)

Add Categories (Button) - Would allow you to select categories from the category table and add them to the banner account in a similar way to the current Region selection. The category IDs would then be stored in the banner account and used for the ad-call. If you have a large number of categories that would make a 'select' list impracticle, you could also include a Text field to add the full category name. Additionally you could have an option for 'Include Children'. This would not only target the selected category, but all its sub-categories.

Remove Categories (Button) - Would allow you to remove existing target categories.

The selected categories IDs are stored with the banner account details and when Links does a 'Build' it can include AP banner calls with the correct Category ID, i.e.; region=???&catid=???

If an Ad-call is made for a specific category and there are no banners available, AP could default to using the region.

Just something I've been thinking about ... Smile

All the best

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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
Interesting, I'd have to think about this, but it wouldn't have to read Links.pm to find out about the database, though that would give it all the necessary parameters, the Category.def file has all the information in it, and more.

FAQ: http://www.postcards.com/FAQ/LinkSQL/

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Re: Banner Rotation, AdvertPro, and Links SQL In reply to
Ignore this.....I just read above!