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Autocreate new users??

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Autocreate new users??
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5 - Another issue some of my user are having is recieving an error message:
Unable to auto-create user: username. Reason: The column 'Status' must be unique, and already has an entry 'Not Validated'.
Please enable debugging in setup for more details.
Ok. In add.cgi, there is a block of code that begins with the comment:

# Figure out who this link should belong too.

The problem with this, is that it's trying to do this after the fact, then if no USER is logged in, use the Contact_Email as the Username and Contact_Name as the name, with a random password.

I don't want to go into the problems with that, but let's say a user has not logged in, but has a user ID? IF they try to reuse it, I haven't traced out the logic, but it doesn't seem to trap that properly, because it doesn't do an "auth" to ask for the password.

It would be much, much better if you checked for log-on BEFORE any of this process, rather than try to autocreate it afterwards.

At the top of the file:

if ($CFG->{user_required} and ! $USER) {
print $IN->redirect( Links::redirect_login_url ('add') );
There is the check for the logged in user. It has _already_ passed this, and is now trying to assign a LinkOwner in a round about fashion.

If the user is logged in, $input->{'LinkOwner'} = $USER->{'Username'}

If the user is not logged in, the program tries to create some values, then insert them into a user record:

$user_db->insert ( { Username => $email, Name => $name, Email => $email, Status => 'Registered', Password => $pass })
or return { error => "Unable to create a new user: $GT::SQL::error" };

I don't like this behaviour, since not only do you have bogus links, but if you delete the link, you now have all sorts of bogus users.

Alex will hopefully address this next week :)

See what happens if:

# Figure out who this link should belong too.
my ($username);
if (! defined $USER) {
my $name = $input->{'Contact_Name'} || $input->{'Contact Name'};
my $email = $input->{'Contact_Email'} || $input->{'Contact Email'};

my $user_db = $DB->table ('Users');
my $sth = $user_db->select ( { Email => $email }, ['Username'] );
if ($sth->rows) {
$username = $sth->fetchrow_array;
else {
my $pass = $user_db->random_pass;
$user_db->insert ( { Username => $email, Name => $name, Email => $email, Status => 'Registered', Password => $pass })
or return { error => "Unable to create a new user: $GT::SQL::error" };
$username = $email;
else {
$username = $USER->{Username};
$input->{LinkOwner} = $username;
Is commented out, and you add the line:

($USER->{'Username'}) ? ($input->{'LinkOwner'} = $USER->{'Username'}) : $input->{'LinkOwner'} = 'Anon';

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
FAQ: http://pugdog.com/FAQ

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Re: Autocreate new users?? In reply to
What do you think about the user getting auto created when the link is validated instead of added?



Gossamer Threads Inc.
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Re: Autocreate new users?? In reply to
That's much better -- ie: autocreate on validate, and then send the user the information in the confirmation email. They'll probably throw it away, but it's a good thing.

I still would make this an option, so that a webmaster can decide if they want all those ID's or not. Sometimes, you really want to have the user actually register.

PUGDOGŪ Enterprises, Inc.
FAQ: http://pugdog.com/FAQ

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Re: Autocreate new users?? In reply to
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I still would make this an option, so that a webmaster can decide if they want all those ID's or not. Sometimes, you really want to have the user actually register.
Then you turn on the option to force the user to register. =) It's already there.



Gossamer Threads Inc.