Gossamer Forum
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An Idea...
An idea that just ocurred to me:

It's called: Gossamer Professional Template editor

Imagine a program, that given a template set (e.g simple) will open ONLY those templates that contain <HTML> </HTML> tags

Will parse include tags ( e.g <%include template1.html%> ) and display in WYSIWYG format (with the option to export to plain HTML for use in other editors) the contents of the template (with the nested includes) and non-includes tags (e.g <%code_or_global%> ) highlighted.

Now imagine a graphic designer play with the program to edit the Gossamer Templates. How much will it take to modify and customize a complete set for custom proyects? how much time will this save people using Gossamer products for new proyects?

A tool like this (for Windows Operating Systems) can be easily SOLD for power users or regular Gossamer clients using your products for large scale proyects don't you think?