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[suggestion] Admin/Database/Category

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[suggestion] Admin/Database/Category
I would like to suggest the "Full Sub Category" field in the Admin/Database/Category area include a drop down for "LIKE or EXACT" like some of the other fields.

This is better than using straight sql to select, delete or update records, because (I am assuming) that affected tables will also be modified (lsql_CatRelations, lsql_CatLinks, lsql_Category_Score_list, lsql_Category_Word_List for example).

This way you can safely do things like:
  • Remove / modify / display all categories or categories with parent categories which contain the word "Regional"
  • Do more complex tasks which include the above statement AND links = 0, or Directory Depth > 8 AND links = 0

I would image the SQL equivalent , which includes modifing the other affected tables, is not a simple method.