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shell script from plugin?

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shell script from plugin?
I'm trying to execute a shell script from within my plugin -- but it's not working.

The script works when executed manually, or from a normal cgi script but things choke when I try to do it from a LinksSQL plugin. Can anybody think of why this wouldn't work? Most of the script below is working, no errors or thrown back. Just the shell script call is failing....

Any help/opinions are greatly appreciated.

Here's the code...

# ==================================================================
# Plugins::Class_Detailed - Auto Generated Program Module
# Plugins::Class_Detailed
# Author : Michael Paler
# Version : 1
# Updated : Wed Jan 5 17:34:06 2005
# ==================================================================

package Plugins::Class_Detailed;
# ==================================================================

use strict;
use GT::Base;
use GT::Plugins qw/STOP CONTINUE/;
use Links qw/$CFG $IN $DB/;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
use GT::Dumper;

# Inherit from base class for debug and error methods
@Plugins::Class_Detailed::ISA = qw(GT::Base);

# Your code begins here! Good Luck!

# ===================================================================

sub build_detailed {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This subroutine will be called whenever the hook 'build_detailed' is run. You
# should call GT::Plugins->action(STOP) if you don't want the regular
# 'build_detailed' code to run, otherwise the code will continue as normal.
my (@args) = @_;

# block of variables that we are encoding
my %vars = (
"cmd" => "_xclick",
"quantity" => "4",
"business" => "foo\@bar.com",
"item_name" => "Stuff I'm selling",
"amount" => "9.00",
"cancel_return" => "http://foo.com",
"currency_code" => "USD",
"rm" => "2",
"cert_id"=> "DPPL2XXXXXXXX"

# now use it to encrypt some text
my $str;
foreach my $var (keys(%vars)) {
$str .= "$var=$vars{$var}\n";

my $dir = "/private/classifieds/encrypt/";
my ($fh,$filename) = tempfile(DIR => $dir, SUFFIX => ".txt");

open($fh, "> $filename" )
or die "Can't create temp file: $1\n";

print $fh $str; # <-- this step is working because I can see $str in the temp file
my $encrypt = `/private/classifieds/encrypt/encrypt.sh $filename`; # <-- this step returns nothing...


# push the encryption into the $args hash
$args[0]{encrypt} = $encrypt;

# Do something useful here
print $IN->header;
print $str;
print $encrypt;
print Dumper(\@args);

return @args;


# Always end with a 1.

The shell script...


#while read line
#echo $line
#done < $1
#echo $MY_TEMP

openssl smime -sign -in $MY_TEMP -signer $MY_CERT -inkey $MY_KEY -outform der -nodetach -binary | \
openssl smime -encrypt -des3 -binary -outform pem paypal_sandbox_cert.pem
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Re: [Swaylock] shell script from plugin? In reply to

You will probably need to put it into a seperate .cgi script. Example header;


use strict;

use lib './';
use Links qw/$IN $DB $CFG/;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

.. rest of your code here

Hope that helps :)


Andy (mod)
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Re: [Andy] shell script from plugin? In reply to

Thanks for the suggestion -- that was going to be my next course of action.

Couple of questions...is this a security issue within LinkSQL? Could there be a way to locally disable this security restriction?

So how do I execute the cgi script from the plugin?

Thanks for your help!!
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Re: [Swaylock] shell script from plugin? In reply to
Perhaps I should rephrase the question...

Can you execute a shell script from within a plugin? If no, why not?

Quote Reply
Re: [Swaylock] shell script from plugin? In reply to
I seem to have solved the first problem by using the following package:


But now I'm having a problem getting a large encrypted blob to my for template parsing.

In my plugin:

my (@args) = @_;

# execute some code to get my large blob

# push the encrypted blob into @args
$args[0]{encrypted_blob} = $encrypted;

print $IN->header;
print Dumper(\@args);

return @args;

end of plugin.

The blob makes it into @args because it's visible in the first dump.

But it doesn't make it over to the template.
Anybody have any ideas why? (I it has to do with the carriage returns in the value -- but I'm not sure.)


Here's the first dump with the blob in there:

$VAR = [ { 'Ad_Duration' => '30', 'Ad_ExpiryDate' => '2005-01-04', 'Ad_Last_Renewal' => '2004-12-05', 'Ad_Num_Renewals' => '0', 'Ad_Status' => 'New', 'Add_Date' => '2004-12-05', 'Address' => '', 'Buy_It_Now' => 'Yes', 'City' => 'Los Angeles', 'Contact_Email' => 'foo@bar.com', 'Contact_Name' => 'Michael Jones', 'Country' => 'United States', 'Date_Checked' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'Description' => 'fds ', 'Display_Phone' => 'No', 'ExpiryCounted' => '0', 'ExpiryDate' => '2147483647', 'ExpiryNotify' => '0', 'Hits' => '0', 'ID' => '165', 'Image' => undef, 'Image_thumbnail' => undef, 'LinkOwner' => 'jones', 'Mod_Date' => '2004-12-31', 'Phone' => '', 'Price' => '3.00', 'Price_Note' => '', 'Quantity' => '4', 'Rating' => '0.00', 'Shipping' => '1.00', 'Shipping2' => 'No', 'SlideShowCache' => '{}', 'State' => 'CA', 'Status' => '0', 'Timestmp' => '20041231150840', 'Title' => 'for sale test 2', 'URL' => undef, 'Votes' => '0', 'Zip_Code' => '', 'email_method' => 'pm', 'encrypted_blob' => '-----BEGIN PKCS7----- MIIHdQYJKoZIhvcNAQcDoIIHZjCCB2ICAQAxggE6MIIBNgIBADCBnjCBmDELMAkG A1UEBhMCVVMxEzARBgNVBAgTCkNhbGlmb3JuaWExETAPBgNVBAcTCFNhbiBKb3Nl MRUwEwYDVQQKEwxQYXlQYWwsIEluYy4xFjAUBgNVBAsUDXNhbmRib3hfY2VydHMx FDASBgNVBAMUC3NhbmRib3hfYXBpMRwwGgYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFg1yZUBwYXlwYWwu Y29tAgEAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUABIGASe2m38XEekAz45Ma7Kz7qhmsUoQ/KcIa q319ZnX7Vy961sYrAKH2sOBIf0OOO7VA9/typwCLJ4vqSIoZQ/LwNbK40IneeG3C xrR95o/CKcGVvvIoQRwLqTuIGodcAuxpf5f1i9edGOCDKDaCWEFVEv4e+kyna2oW ou+9/Y9+7qgwggYdBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwFAYIKoZIhvcNAwcECMJ1PaqdqxD4gIIF +Mj4R44xx/bZVGsFA+s8Mz0mHNqpqCiMZj1D5k8vgHAkODbXdxiaYS24nU16czFD RjtlAmIz/dUvYmkwsGHJAWv87oy+FoIKP8T7lmLM2U/3SNoeVCJ1+tlNP/jyhKW3 rOdNCmep7GvNjubEepaMFZPf1XHN11GFgROuNG8b2fcLYYKfbk68yskl5llesdCb ZFfcvKh4YSHPfxdEm75laZuQUQu0hg0n1JN+I1aXF9YWG2TKSoT+9U1T0o9KDJWH +Ad1BgXAibbMV09xFpvVXkeUSg6ci9xKQisXc3VlzmSrR+MlGQPXfXbfHDVu9OL0 GQ2ortwdVEKqKAxSqZLCwkqIqT3At+m9GID7VTipUa41zXWXC2AISAzeIL7WRDZV 8ycvL6vdoedKZRk0ojF/Bx21jhSllUh4R7vUGCoMr0PHK6Lwl6+ukdU+qcEVdp0d pAXwaET1LWPOoVx9P3yEW/M1ZkzfM2et5Td/Gl8s016XBOlsxS35cV/wZ2Dsn9YC A/HMQzIfJ06Vb0MSabYM5sr6zOuQSdLcVLbEpQ+Eb2hOu2Fju/NPsQkIXUAvkXg6 YTM4l4PfbZs+KrBhQ+SXx24Nfyy0j6c3iSQDPpnJk8mTWColLOe6C/MxnvHzDGAp xLx4x16yFOJjU5AReLH7Y1kRiRbWOWUxYMCVcJvEWQLaE/GFkQyFMPZRhpZaQhCl Qemus87vSx0tbTTX0IbYfocDLhmWtPVmbfC3M3ilUYRxaSvo9+bQnRww6O3sUw5l /K2UMQPKD+VazDbx9XG0hxQSHBODAxudbTYA4kUNyS84DgCvSxEAUrk5RXntldk7 sdN6WP9UhcaNElyzTLrbSrB7E0rdeKZc53nDZAsGVOwgMHbM+4UIDHm7xBV/bjol E60hkdRagtA4e/FRdd+/mVsmM4b3fqFyKSAD5q+l3Tk3lUxoE4YMNKjBuw0bKG2/ dzJpb4JOxqCGarLh/imP+dgZ1P80kG0NwMEkzLX0BMxMHXb+mIRPZJXFyEpUbeAq unVNoAEAb6hU6BRYIW+Yb7JbDqaE33YM3knEWduHCES+hHzL9zEJQwpePrDCHkMK oLlhDq7w6PvqQhi8grrqqzTNwh5Ro7nlDak1eWxXlU+vqzIm3V25ydMy4muL1Inv Oz2tTusmc6V3e14BDJ+dRROaHbGiZB7XXqf9E5bw6po1Lz9JgqrYrixc9LfyM1Ra oi5T+rYvKfkHtp7PSclNdVGXkmjr6rDT+TBjPyPre18pIX8emzbiA/XwYeRU2dXW dhq7FYLiHGfZXFEDLLocsG5qvcK2xxnVU/YqgszOBtU9MAjsvaQZospx8Glv0kBh zXNMJTluGjsudsUEUrfQFsMoxqDRktlWkk6K+y7fjVXAomsxUSjskaVOHWfkqf/m XJGaB6aA/CV64IDiD5LcPTZY+gC9KkaZMd56iI/ZqXfi1VSvHxln01W3hjt61U+K vVqF6joC9NQ+kzaHGXK6zajUWJo9QjdUFcXGYTjix8OwiklFDQ/ls0dOhJEQWIAB q8Dwx/68KU5qE0bGWKeAF7c2ZGl3k53HREUp0Lkvr/RW8lvOfNwy7tZ4VKqc9S/5 Z057+aKTUHGtGrKQe7FqNn4W40FuRrLLgl5hs/DLHvyYLNXsI3LTo+o0A/MN45dv C6NThmF3USaK7n9lbOrD7fiKrFf5HcC/GznTmhe/oBqESOva2iiU/cNL8dUcc/UV FM56ZaRSSQCqn7ADBYRXRkIP3TmdqD5IOQuQpDymkQBP2Id7dSQNgJ6YSqPqw248 hATQgn+RSRtZGJVhtOyOw1okhTB8Tc0MMpvBOoY9ySdPiQVSno8p0GNTJdEZR3h3 eLapEAm3zCBDSiX06w/MbujfXyOEIvbFz8pXj2pG5oJJMR54c9+Y/exQlpFFgrLQ OTZQLfEaQzCYievy0kmaXwzClZAWgiNRK5yxSMRqa1GfJmRObionFIXVXLAmKswv QbN034b7ApvWiAUJmVjsx3N/ZcOdfBIGM4zzDsDisx25ikHUqfIngbY= -----END PKCS7----- ', 'isChanged' => 'Yes', 'isNew' => 'No', 'isPopular' => 'No', 'isValidated' => 'Yes' } ];
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Re: [Swaylock] shell script from plugin? In reply to
Uugh. Answered my own question again. I was using the wrong plugin hook. was using build_detailed -- needed to be using site_html_detailed