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People who have worked with File/image uploads -- input.

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People who have worked with File/image uploads -- input.
I've started to get back on track, after my disasterous past half-year +

Last night I used the internal Links SQL features to add logo/image upload to http://origami.net

I see a few problems with the "naked" system, that my plug in had addressed, but I want to know what people who have BEEN USING the upload/file system have found lacking or in need of change.

My List:

1) file attachments need to have a separate approval process, so that if a link is modified, and the file attachment is modified, it goes through the approval process again. Right now it seems changes to a file attachment are made immediately, and the link, though it says "is sent for approval" is not.

2) two flags - Show_Logo and Logo_Validated need to be used in order to control whether a logo has been approved for viewing, and then whether it meets the criteria for viewing (paid up, etc).

3) Size checking and automatic resizing of the image.

I've also started reworking the mutliple attachment plugin. It might even be possible to hijack the do=view_file parameter of the Links Admin, to allow direct access to the file attachments from the standard Links Admin! :)

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