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Highlight mod for Spider
Ok. I am not best programmer around but I got around to get the data field from the search results of the spider to show the keyword, so that a user can actually know they have a good result. This mod will also highlight the keyword searched for.

This mod as to go into Spider.pm located in the Plugins directory.

Here is a copy paste of my code that should be located in "post_search_results"

#my $title = _clip_length( $href->{Title} || $href->{URL}, $conf->{max_title_length} );
my $description = _clip_length( $href->{Description}, $conf->{max_description_length});

#my $data = _clip_length( $href->{Data}, $conf->{max_data_length});

################### FOR DATA MODIFIED ###########
my($len) = ($conf->{max_data_length} / 2) + 1;
my($data) = $href->{Data};
my($highlight) = qq~<span style="background-color: #D2E9FF">~;
my($endhighlight) = qq~</span>~;

if ($data =~ /(.{0,$len})($query)(.{0,$len})/) {

my($start) = $1;
my($end) = $3;
my($query1) = $2;

if (length($start) == $len) { $start =~ s/^./.../; }
if (length($end) == $len) { $end =~ s/.$/.../; }

$data = $start . $query1 . $end;
$data =~ s/$query1/$highlight$query1$endhighlight/g;

else {
$data = _clip_length( $href->{Data}, $conf->{max_data_length});
$data =~ s/$query/$highlight$query$endhighlight/g;
################### FOR DATA MODIFIED ###########

################### FOR TITLE MODIFIED ###########
$len = ( $conf->{max_title_length} / 2) + 1;
my($title) = $href->{Title} || $href->{URL};

if ($title =~ /(.{0,$len})($query)(.{0,$len})/) {

my($start1) = $1;
my($end1) = $3;
my($query1) = $2;

if (length($start1) == $len) { $start1 =~ s/^./.../; }
if (length($end1) == $len) { $end1 =~ s/.$/.../; }

$title = $start1 . $query1 . $end1;
$title =~ s/$query1/$highlight$query1$endhighlight/g;
else {
$title = _clip_length( $href->{Title} || $href->{URL}, $conf->{max_title_length} );
$title =~ s/$query/$highlight$query$endhighlight/g;
################### FOR TITLE MODIFIED ###########

Here is an example from my site.

<EDIT>Forgot to mentioned that my site is in Thai (the language of thailand) If you want to see a real look in thai font how it looks check it out here: http://www.uhaaa.com/spider_mod.jpg</EDIT>

Any suggestions on making this better are welcome. :)

Subject Author Views Date
Thread Highlight mod for Spider efe 2402 Mar 30, 2001, 3:20 PM
Post Re: Highlight mod for Spider
Stealth 2290 Apr 9, 2001, 5:53 PM