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[ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1

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[ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1
Hi guys. Got a new plugin for ya'll Cool

This one is pretty simple ... but gives a nice effect on your site.

In short, it will put a background highlight over search words. I would post a demo here.. but I don't think the forum supports <span></span> codes :(

You can download the plugin here (attached).

...or, click here: http://www.ultranerds.com/...bin/details/122.html

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Andy (mod)
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Re: [Andy] [ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1 In reply to
Here's a cool mod =)

In Highlight_Keywords.pm, and replace sub Highlight_String, with the following code;

# This is where we pass it in to be highlighted...
# <%Plugins::Keyword_Highlighter::Highlight_String($FieldName,$query)%>
sub Highlight_String {

# grab our options...
my $value = $_[0];
my $query = $_[1];
my @words = split / /, $query;

my @colors = qw(FFFF99 FFCC99 FFCCCC CC99FF CCFF99 CC9900 CC6699 CCFFCC 999966 CC6699);

my $count = 0;
foreach (@words) {

if (lc($_) eq 'and') { next; }

my $formatted_query_ucf = ucfirst(lc($_));
my $formatted_query_uc = uc(lc($_));
my $formatted_query_lc = lc($_);

# now lets make the pretty colours!
my $highlight_string = qq|style="background-color: #| . $colors[$count] . q|"|;
my $replace = qq|<span $highlight_string>$_</span>|;
my $replace2 = qq|<span $highlight_string>$formatted_query_ucf</span>|;
my $replace3 = qq|<span $highlight_string>$formatted_query_lc</span>|;
my $replace4 = qq|<span $highlight_string>$formatted_query_uc</span>|;
$value =~ s|\Q$_|$replace|g;
$value =~ s|\Q$formatted_query_ucf|$replace2|g;
$value =~ s|\Q$formatted_query_lc|$replace3|g;
$value =~ s|\Q$formatted_query_uc|$replace4|g;


# send it back...
return $value;

This will intelligently use the same color for each keyword (depending on where its located in the query).

Please note, I did try using str4ings like "red", "cyan", etc ... but it caused a LOT of problems in the results ... so don't try it Tongue



Andy (mod)
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Re: [Andy] [ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1 In reply to
How do I get the the highlighter to highlight with one color per keyword, because I m getting so many colors for the same keyword and that makes it untidy
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Re: [Abusaki] [ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1 In reply to
Not very easily I'm afriad :( I spent quite a while trying to do this. Basically, you could try editing the .pm file, so that Highlight_String() looks like;

# This is where we pass it in to be highlighted...
# <%Plugins::Keyword_Highlighter::Highlight_String($FieldName,$query)%>
sub Highlight_String {

# grab our options...
my $value = $_[0];
my $query = $_[1];
my @words = split / /, $query;

# define our random color.
my $max = $#words;
my @colors = map {
join "", map { sprintf "%02x", rand(255) } (0..2)
} (0..$max);

foreach (@words) {

my $color;
if (/^[abcd]/i) {
$color = $colors[0];
} elsif (/^[efgh]/i) {
$color = $colors[1];
} elsif (/^\d/i) {
$color = $colors[2];
} elsif (/^[ijklmn]/i) {
$color = $colors[3];
} elsif (/^[opqrstu]/i) {
$color = $colors[3];
} elsif (/^[vwxyz]/i) {
$color = $colors[3];
} elsif (/^\W/i) {
$color = $colors[3];

# now lets make the pretty colours!
my $highlight_string = qq|style="background-color: #$color"|;
my $replace = qq|<span $highlight_string>$_</span>|;
$value =~ s|\Q$_|$replace|ig;


# send it back...
return $value;


Please note, this is UNTESTED (and its early morning here =)), so please be aware it may not work "as-is".

Hope that helps.


Andy (mod)
Want to give me something back for my help? Please see my Amazon Wish List
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Last edited by:

Andy: Dec 24, 2004, 12:38 AM
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Re: [Andy] [ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1 In reply to
Hi Andy,
this is what I got

Error: Unable to load module: Plugins::Keyword_Highlighter. Reason:
Error: No subroutine 'Plugins::Keyword_Highlighter::Highlight_String' in 'Plugins/Keyword_Highlighter.pm',
Can't locate Plugins.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home/httpd/vhosts/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/cgi-bin/admin /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.1/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.1 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.0 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl .) at GT::Template::_call_func line 783.
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Re: [Abusaki] [ NEW PLUGIN ] Keyword_Highlighter v1 In reply to
Sorry, there was one line missing;

my $color;

I've put it in the above post for you (in red).

Hopefully that should stop it giving any errors Smile


Andy (mod)
Want to give me something back for my help? Please see my Amazon Wish List
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