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Why has this thread been locked?

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Why has this thread been locked?
I was about to post to this thread but found it to be locked:

Arrange the posts by a field value

I am a complete newbie on these forums, and I have been reading a LOT of the posts on here to get aquainted to the links product before I purchase it.
I have found Paul and others to be very helpful, he replied back to my post with a very honest and straight forward answer. I have read quite a number of his replies and post, and I all I have seen them is his sheer willingness and helpulness to help others out, which makes this forum so different to a lot of other company/community forums.
I think it is very rude and very insensitive to attack someone in public who is just merely trying to be helpful.
Rajani if you are twice the age maybe you want to lead by setting an example to younger folk, not by being rude and insultive in public forums, if anything you should learn to act your age. If you do have a problem with a particular person wouldn't it be wiser to take it up in private messaging.
I hope this thread this doesn't end up getting locked too

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Re: [revs] Why has this thread been locked? In reply to

I agree. On thing to keep in mind is that there is a lot of history here. =)

Anyone who has been around this forum for a while knows we very rarely lock threads, and delete messages only in extreme cases.


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