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My Forum Registration needs CAPTCHA

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My Forum Registration needs CAPTCHA
The forum registration needs a CAPTCHA feature, I am getting online casino and Pharmacy meds spam registrations.

Anybody done this mod to their GForum?

Care to share the code?


Michael J. Challis - CRUZN8R - PT Cruiser Club - http://www.ptcruiserclub.org


Last edited by:

CRUZN8R: Oct 16, 2006, 4:03 PM
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Re: [CRUZN8R] My Forum Registration needs CAPTCHA In reply to
Well I installed my own solution using http://captchas.net/ free captcha service.

I put some code in the Gforum/User.pm and added some html to user_signup.html

Here is how I did it, but I do not have time to make a plugin, sorry

If you attempt this, make a backup of your User.pm before you begin. Try it at your own risk.

Make a folder in gforum/admin/GForum called WebService

get CaptchasDotNet.pm from captchas.net perl page
edit the first line to read:
package GForum::WebService::CaptchasDotNet;

now, upload the file to gforum/admin/GForum/WebService

You must register at captchas.net for a free account, they email you the
"client" and "secret" user / password

You must change the "client" and "secret" string values in the code below to add your account user/ password

client => 'demo',
secret => 'secret',

Edit Gforum/User.pm
near the top in sub signup

require GForum::Payment;
my $payment = GForum::Payment::get_signup_config();
my $payment_methods = GForum::Payment::methods();
$page => {
email_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_email_validation},
admin_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation},
@errors ? (errors => \@errors) : (),

require GForum::Payment;
my $payment = GForum::Payment::get_signup_config();
my $payment_methods = GForum::Payment::methods();

# mjc bof added for captcha
use GForum::WebService::CaptchasDotNet;
my $captchas = GForum::WebService::CaptchasDotNet->new(
client => 'demo',
secret => 'secret',
alphabet => 'abcdefghkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
letters => 6,
width => 240,
height => 80,
my %captcha;
$captcha{captcha_random} = $captchas->random;
$captcha{captcha_image_url} = $captchas->image_url;
$captcha{captcha_audio_url} = $captchas->audio_url;
$captcha{captcha_image} = $captchas->image;
# mjc eof also added %captcha to return array below

$page => {
email_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_email_validation},
admin_validation_required => !$CFG->{require_signup_admin_validation},
@errors ? (errors => \@errors) : (),

near the middle in sub signup_submit

sub signup_submit {
my ($do, $func) = @_;
my $page = $func->{page};
my $input = $IN->get_hash;


sub signup_submit {
my ($do, $func) = @_;
my $page = $func->{page};
my $input = $IN->get_hash;
# mjc bof added captcha
use GForum::WebService::CaptchasDotNet;
my $captchas = GForum::WebService::CaptchasDotNet->new(
client => 'demo',
secret => 'secret',
alphabet => 'abcdefghkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
letters => 6

my $password = $input->{captcha_password};
my $random = $input->{captcha_random};

# Return an error message, when reading the form values fails.
if (not (defined ($password) and
defined ($random))) {
return GForum::do_func(user_signup => 'Invalid arguments for captcha text image test.');

# Check the random string to be valid and return an error message
# otherwise.
if (not $captchas->validate ($random)) {
return GForum::do_func(user_signup => 'Every CAPTCHA can only be used once. The current CAPTCHA has already been used. Try again.');

# Check that the right CAPTCHA password has been entered and
# return an error message otherwise.
# Attention: Only call verify if validate is true
if (not $captchas->verify ($password)) {
return GForum::do_func(user_signup => 'You entered the wrong pass phrase for the text image. Aren\'t you human? Please use back button and reload.');
# mjc eof captcha

edit user_signup.html

<td colspan=2 align=right style="border-top:1px solid <%dark_beige%>">
<input class="submit" type=submit value="Signup!">

<td colspan=2 align=right style="border-top:1px solid <%dark_beige%>">
<input type="hidden" name="captcha_random" value="<%captcha_random%>">
<p>Please enter the phrase made of letters in the image below:
<input type="text" name="captcha_password" size="6"><br>
<%unescape_html captcha_image%><br>
<a href="<%captcha_audio_url%>">Phonetic spelling (mp3)</a>

<input class="submit" type=submit value="Click Here To Register!">

If you use this please reply here, I like to know if i was any help or not. Cool

Michael J. Challis - CRUZN8R - PT Cruiser Club - http://www.ptcruiserclub.org
