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JPDeni's external textfile add-on

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JPDeni's external textfile add-on
I am trying to install the external textfile add-on of JPDeni. I have followed the instructions of the readme .txt file. It shows us some mods to the html.pl the .cfg file and the db.cgi file. That readme file can be found at:

Problem is that when I add a record, the script does create an external .txt file, but that's it!! It does not ask me to fill in the extra external field nor does it display the external field and it's content.

I tried a lot of code lines in especially html.pl (I guess the answer is in this file).

For example in "ub html_record_form" in html.pl I added:
<td><textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="40" wrap="virtual">$in{'text'}</textarea></td></tr>

<TR><TD ALIGN="Right" VALIGN="TOP"><$font>text:</FONT></TD>
<TD VALIGN="TOP"> |; print &build_select_field ("text", "$rec{'text'}"); print qq|</TD></TR>
Nothing shows.

My question is: is the readme file by JPDeni not complete? Do I miss anything? If not, why doesn't it show any external textfields in my database.

You can check the database at:

admin/admin is the login

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: JPDeni's external textfile add-on In reply to
Hi moozie, if you could, double-check the steps you have completed. I have used the external textfile mod and encountered no problems at all with the instructions JPDeni had outlined. Pay special attention to this area of the instructions -
# Add a textarea field to sub html_record_form and call it text.
# (Just make sure you do *not* have a field called "text" defined in
# your .cfg file.)
# You can change the dimensions of the text file as you wish.

<textarea name="text" rows="10" cols="40" wrap="virtual">$in{'text'}</textarea>