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DB Display

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DB Display

Using DBMan, I am wanting to change the search display.
As it is when adding records the new record is added to the end of the list ie the last page of the directory display.
How would I get the new added record to show at the beginning, the front of the list.
So the records would show, in a database of a hundred records 100 first (last record added) then 99 and so on, rather than as is showing the oldest record first.

Anyone have an idea on this or has this been discussed before ?

Cheers for your time

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Re: DB Display In reply to
Add the following hidden codes in your search form codes....


<input type="hidden" name="sb" value="0">
<input type="hidden" name="so" value="descend">

Basically these hidden fields mean the following:

sb = sort by (which field) -> 0 = ID field
so = sort order (by which order -> ascend = A - Z, 1 - 100, descend = Z-A, 100 -1)

Got more questions about "sorting"???

Search this forum for sort by order.


Eliot Lee