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popup add record

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popup add record
I am creating a database that shows who is present at an event. Since many people will be assigned to log people into the event, and you (as a user) would want to see the list of people present, I set a refresh metatag for 60 seconds to keep pulling the display of people logged in. No problem there.

Now when I add a record or edit a record, I want to use a popup window. When you are done editing the record and save it, I'll make the popup close... that's no problem either. The way I do this is to set a meta refresh to 0 seconds using the html add_success sub and direct the page to a page I have on the server called close.html . The result is that the add success result is shown for a fraction of a second and the whole window just goes away.

The problem is how do I make the popup window cause the parent window to refresh. I'm sure there's some javascript trick that will do this. What I think is that if I know the name of the parent window I can send a refresh command to it.... question is, does anyone know how exactly to do this?

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Re: [kd4rdb] popup add record In reply to
I like this. I'm always amazed at the way people hack dbman. This sounds like something I'd do.

I think you want onbeforeunload in the pop-up page that would be <body onbeforeunload="someFunction();"> and that function would be window.opener.something or window.parent.something. Of course the "something" is the part I don't know.

Try posting to www.webdeveloper.com if you don't get an answer here. They have a really good JavaScript support forum.

Good Luck!

Ps: If you don't get a response here, please post back with the answer you get elsewhere.

My hack would be to set a value in the "parent window" upon closing the pop-up and then have a timer that would check if the value is true and then refresh page if so.
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Re: [Watts] popup add record In reply to
See attached examples.

timer.htm opens window.htm which when closed, refreshes timer.htm

(view source to get the idea) - this is really rough but it works for me. Sorry for the sloppiness but I did it between stuff at work and didn't have a lot of time to make it pretty. Hope you can get it to work for you.

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Watts: Dec 11, 2006, 10:19 AM
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Re: [Watts] popup add record In reply to
Thanks!! This is ideal!!! This will make my data entry so much smoother.

I agree with what you said about all the ways DBman can be changed... the thing is, it's the people here in thiis forum that are the true power behind dbman.
