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db_select_fields look at external file.

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db_select_fields look at external file.
I am new in this field. So here I need help regarding select field in DBMan.

I want to have one of my select field use an external file as it's select values. This external file act like a small database, and can be updated using an external CGI. So I do as follow:

In default.cfg, I add:
require $db_script_path . "/external.db";

And change in %db_select_fields as follow:
%db_select_fields = (
Book => $Book,

I create the external.db file, the contain is below:

$Book = "
Learning Perl,
Easy Cooking,

Now, after this change, the select field works. My purpose to create separate external.db file is that I want to use the external.db file as an additional database. In my case, the books added almost everyday. My question is, how I can make additional CGI or Perl file that can modifying, adding or deleting the contain of external.db file ?

Please help.


Gunawan L